POP Peeper with Windows 10 Anniversary edition

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POP Peeper with Windows 10 Anniversary edition

Post by ECourts »

I just upgraded to the new Windows 10 Anniversary edition and it broke my POP Peeper :(
I hope this is a simple problem to fix, as POP Peeper (Pro, V4.2) is a key weapon in my arsenal! I tried a new install and it's not helped. Any assistance would be much appreciated!

Last edited by ECourts on Thu Aug 04, 2016 12:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: POP Peeper with Windows 10 Anniversary edition

Post by Jeff »

When does the crash occur?  ie. is it completely random or is consistent, e.g. when you try to start PP or when the first mail check occurs, etc.?

And to get a head-start on what will likely be my next follow-up question (based on above answer, but... educated guess), assuming you can get this done before it crashes (disable AutoCheck by pressing the green button on the bottom-right if it helps):

In the Accounts List, in the empty space below your last account, right-click and select "server info (all)"

If you don't see "server info (all)" --
a) Main menu: Select Tools / Options
b) General page: enable "advanced options" on the top-right
c) Press Update
You should now be able to access "server info (all)"

--> make sure that the word "(all)" appears in the menu item; otherwise, it means you've selected a specific account and this is NOT viable information.

4) Select and copy the contents of the window. It will look something like this:
Messages: 9233
Server size: 373576 KB
File size: 224597 KB

Last DB Maint (global): 05/19/16 09:01:24 (76 days)

Paste that information in your reply
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Re: POP Peeper with Windows 10 Anniversary edition

Post by ECourts »

I'm answering this while mobile, so excuse the brevity, but I wanted to get a response in during your daytime.
The crash happens during startup before I get to the PP UI, so I can't get to any settings. It happens every time. I have a BIG database, probably around a Gigabyte, which takes time to load, but it worked fine before the Windows upgrade. I'd guess the crash occurs just before the UI should appear. You may remember an issue last year with mail rendering which was due to the size of the database, so I now keep it smaller, but it's still over 100,000 messages divided over 15 accounts. If this data is important I can check another implementation on a second PC where I didn't do the Windows upgrade yet, but is monitoring the same accounts without problems.
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Re: POP Peeper with Windows 10 Anniversary edition

Post by Jeff »

I can't make any guesses as to whether the Win10 upgrade was a factor, but a 1GB database is certainly in the danger zone. It's not as exact as the info from within PP because the messages in the DB are compressed (making the filesize smaller) but there may also be fragmentation (making the filesize larger).

Either way, the only solution at the moment is to delete that database file and move messages out of the inbox using another client/webbrowser.
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Re: POP Peeper with Windows 10 Anniversary edition

Post by ECourts »

Which files do I need to delete? I'd like to avoid having to setup all the accounts again, if possible, but I don't mind losing the messages and rebuilding the databases from scratch.
It's curious that the Windows update broke it - it worked fine before, and only early last week did I have purge of messages to bring down the total size (and forced it to compact afterwards)
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Re: POP Peeper with Windows 10 Anniversary edition

Post by ECourts »

I've renamed all the ".db" files in the data tree to ".db_old" POP Peeper starts. I've been able to regenerate all the data in all accounts by running PP and letting it download the mail content again. I've stopped and re-started PP again and it still works. This was clearly a problem with the databases which is now sorted. I'll take some time to cut down on content so avoid the problem coming back.

Thanks for your help...
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Re: POP Peeper with Windows 10 Anniversary edition

Post by Jeff »

Glad things are working again.
ECourts wrote: This was clearly a problem with the databases which is now sorted.
is probably misleading. Most likely, the new databases have significantly less data then before. There's a specific option in PP that would cause this:
Tools / Options / Message Retrieval
"Don't retrieve body for messages marked as read on server"

which would probably result in 99% of your old messages not retrieving the body in the new database. Whereas they would have still been in the old database(s).

Also, if you renamed AntiJunk.db -- that's one database that you will probably want to keep/restore the original file (make sure you do so when PP is not running). Only files named "data.db" belong to accounts' messages.
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