duplicated emails

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duplicated emails

Post by fredfmah »

Dear Gurus,
please forgive if this is not a question for pop peeper. I'll explain.

I have two accounts one with orange and one with yahoo and they have worked very well with poppeeper and still do.

About a month ago I updated to OpenOffice 3 from OO 2.4. and a new account appeared in PP called OOdocs.

I had taken the time to fill in their questionnaire which turned out to be much longer than I expected and maybe I had unwittingly formed this mail account

My problem is every email that arrives at yahoo also arrives at OOdocs and so I have popeeper listing two emails that are identical..

I'd be most grateful for any help to eliminate one of the accounts, I think the one to get the chop should be Oodocs.

Bye and thanks

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Re: duplicated emails

Post by JRF »

fredfmah , welcome to the POP Peeper Forums ! Please reply .

Are you saying that in the PP Accounts panel (the region to the left of the PP main window screen) there is a line named OOdocs ?

If so this is very strange , there is no notice another application creates accounts inside PP :
-- then I ask you try to remember if you did create it (following some direction ??) ,
-- please give all other details you think may be related ,
-- if possible take jpg screenshot(s) , and use the Upload Attachment function on your reply ,
-- and by now the better is to maintain it for further investigation , but to stop its activity :
right-click over the account-name , select Edit , UNmark the box "Enabled" , click Update .
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Re: duplicated emails

Post by fredfmah »

Thank you for the reply and I have attached three snaps-

OOdocs001 is todays mail

OOdocs002 is the OOdocs version of the top listed

OOdocs003 is the same, but read from Yahoo

I hope this may be what you asked for.

Fred Madrid

PS I havent zapped the OOdocs yet, maybe you will need a little more information

Bye Fred
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Re: duplicated emails

Post by JRF »

fredfmah , OK , thank you , your pics will be useful to clarify this .

1- more two pics requested , please : edit each account > General tab >
mask your 2 usernames with "X" > take the shot > click Cancel .

2- you may disable OOdocs account now : just UNmark the tick in front the account name .

Side-note/tip on Security :

-- the recommended Viewing Options are :
20090502 PP View-Msgs Options (JRF).jpg
-- then , for an easier operation , you could have the Toolbar like :
20090502 PP Compose-window Toolbar (JRF).jpg
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Re: duplicated emails

Post by Jeff »

I think what JRF is after is to see if both accounts are identical (ie. both are logging into the same Yahoo account).

I suspect that they are.

My advice -- delete the OOdocs account and add your previous account (orange) again.

That's a strange phenomenon. Very strange...
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