Italian translation

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Italian translation

Post by gemma »

I don't see any topic about this translation, so I thought to start a new one... but this is just to report an error in the existing translation file.

While turning the green dot to red to disable "AutoCheck" it still says "Autoverifica abilitata" which means "AutoCheck enabled".

I set it right by using PPLC: this text is ID 10077 in "misc text"
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Post by JRF »

Hi gemma , thank you for this catching , I assume the Translator may revise this text . And what about the corresponding phrase for the green ball --Autocheck Enabled--?

I saw this line in the Languages page :

Italiano v3.0.0 Aug 29, 2006 32.2 K Italian

so I did not understand your comment about starting a new translation ...

(in fact I am going to download it next week , to prepare an ini for a friend , so would you be so kind to let me know if you find any trouble on it ?)
• (PP + IMAP + Send)=381 Web=3808 PPT=38 SSL=1005 Voice=3 Chime=3 Skin=36 PP-Add-on-Pack=3 • XPproSP3 • Fx=1301 Opera=1162 [IE=80] • Online-Armor=5501616 • CPU=1.2GHz • RAM=2.5GB •
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Post by gemma »

JRF wrote:Hi gemma , thank you for this catching , I assume the Translator may revise this text . And what about the corresponding phrase for the green ball --Autocheck Enabled--?

I saw this line in the Languages page :

Italiano v3.0.0 Aug 29, 2006 32.2 K Italian

so I did not understand your comment about starting a new translation ...

(in fact I am going to download it next week , to prepare an ini for a friend , so would you be so kind to let me know if you find any trouble on it ?)
no comment about starting a new translation, but a new topic about the translation ;)

When the ball is turned to green you won't see the text "AutoCheck enabled", but rather "X minute(s) remaining until next mail check" depending on how you set the polling interval for mail check
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Post by Jeff »

I've notified the translator.
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Re: Italian translation

Post by unduetre »

Hi, it's now years I use this software, and minutes I've registered this board.

This translation seems to be outdated/incomplete.
I'm starting to update it for personal use, so which one?
- I can wait, a new release is planned.
- I can start and do what I need for myself.
- I can contribute submitting the new version, more seriously translated
(this requires a bit more time and will be a one shot service, no guarantee for future updates).

Thanks for your attention.

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Re: Italian translation

Post by retalv »

Updated translation (unofficial) created by myself last night ... I hope it will be useful.

...see below...
Last edited by retalv on Sat Sep 03, 2011 4:59 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Italian translation

Post by unduetre »

Very useful, many thanks.
What's the meaning of "unofficial"?
It seems to work and isn't so bad, just submit to the author for the download section.

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Re: Italian translation

Post by retalv »

Unofficial because ...

1) I do not care to "insignia" of a site, but only useful to those who did not know how to solve. ;)
2) I would like to fix things, then surely a new version will follow.
3) It is not all about me, but of those who preceded me. :)
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New final traslation to Italian for v3.80

Post by retalv »

I finished the review of the entire package of Italian language ...

Corrects several errors in syntax, the way Google translations :wink: , restored some errors of concept and some (few) fields in English as surely the most famous of its translation in local languages.

This does not mean that everything is perfect now (I did not rewrite all the strings, I briefly checked the old translation respected the way without looking too much nonsense and often indiscriminate use of capital letters), but certainly immediately understandable to those who approach this software for the first time ... and also for those who use it for some time.

I am willing to consider any suggestions for improvement and I am grateful to those who will submit them to me via this topic or via PM.
(If you would like to propose an amendment, report exactly the OLD words and accompanying it with the new and specify the menu position on the GUI.)

I use the free version of the program, so obviously I have no ability to control visually the result of translation of functions for a fee. I also use only the PP IMAP then regarding the remainder is what is written above ...
In other words, if you want a better translation ... help me.

If you think you can get an official translation of the podium ... you propose it to the managers of the forum :oops:


Updated translation to release Nr.2 (see below)
Last edited by retalv on Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Italian translation

Post by gemma »

God, you beat me right on the finish line.
I had the translation ready, but I took a little time to check it thoroughly :(

What am I to do with it?
Last edited by gemma on Sat Sep 03, 2011 5:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Italian translation

Post by gemma »

I noticed something odd:
I applied my translation but the "activation" window is still displayed in English.
I checked it and re-checked it, it's perfectly translated, all validated, but still...
Any idea? :?:

I think I got it.
Seems like a problem with the SendMail add-on, because also the "View sent mail" window won't display translation.
Still don't have a solution though :(
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Re: Italian translation

Post by Jeff »

I forgot to include the one-line of code necessary to have the Activation window translated. This will be included in the next release (v3.8.1).

It seems the Italian translation is very popular... I also received an update from the original Italian translator via email. Hopefully we can get this all sorted out...
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Re: Italian translation

Post by retalv »

gemma wrote:God, you beat me right on the finish line.
I had the translation ready, but I tokk a little time to check it thoroughly :(

What am I to do with it?
Attach your translation, do not rule out completely is better. Do not worry, I'm not offended. :)

No offense to the original translator, I hope I have also put in place the old part of the translation or we are always in the same conditions. :(
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Re: Italian translation

Post by unduetre »

Jeff wrote: It seems the Italian translation is very popular... I also received an update from the original Italian translator via email. Hopefully we can get this all sorted out...
I generally don't care about GUI languages, but I can see a lot of people thinking that untranslated software is useless for daily purposes.
Simply, a lot of people not speaking nor reading english.
I often promote around me these pc programs, and sometimes I had to translate myself little pieces of software (by hand and not by Google trans) to attract some people on them and solve trivial problems.
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Re: Italian translation

Post by gemma »

retalv wrote:
gemma wrote:God, you beat me right on the finish line.
I had the translation ready, but I tokk a little time to check it thoroughly :(

What am I to do with it?
Attach your translation, do not rule out completely is better. Do not worry, I'm not offended. :)

No offense to the original translator, I hope I have also put in place the old part of the translation or we are always in the same conditions. :(
Following thw advice, here's my translation.
Hope Jeff won't mind.

About the original translator: I don't know if he was something like "in charge", I thought that since he hadn't been working on it for so long he might not be interested in having this role.
Also there were parts for which I really didn't like his translation, sorry to say that.
I always promote PP to everyone who comes to me with an issue concerning email, whenever they have a spam or virus problem for example.
But many of them are just kept back when it comes to English GUI, because they don't always understand it.
So that's the reason why I thought it would be a good thing to provide with a good and clear translation.
You have to think about all those noobs that are not used to pc language, keep it simple and as clear as possible.
Italian are rather stubborn when it comes to learning different languages :lol:

Anyway, here it is, sorry for those parts that won't show.
I did it from scratch, it's not a correction of previous versions.
(12.07 KiB) Downloaded 1577 times
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Re: Italian translation

Post by retalv »

Updated my version to release 2.


1) Total revision of the package (other inaccuracies found and misunderstandings)
2) Eliminate unnecessary capital letters.
3) In some cases I have tried to agree on the limited space available in a less literal translation, and more discriminating in my language.
4) Some fixes and changes to previous review

As with the previous one, has not been translated to the section on paying customers.

Translation no longer on line ... sorry.
Last edited by retalv on Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Italian translation

Post by gemma »

I know it's not a nice thing to do, decompiling a dll, but I had to do it for a friend who isn't really familiar with English: I translated PPTweaker :-=
Not every part is reachable (I couldn't find all the lists in the combo box) but the GUI is done.
So, since I saw the request in this forum, I would ask for permission to make it available for download.
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Re: Italian translation

Post by Jeff »

The original translator has been diligently updating all versions available. If it appears that he hasn't been working on it, it's only because PPLC hasn't been updated (the last update was for v3.4 as can be seen in the PPLC announcement thread).

Since I do not have the ability to tell whose translation is "better" I will always use the original translator's update. It's the only fair way I can do it. If there are any translations you feel are really necessary, perhaps you can discuss it with him.
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Re: Italian translation

Post by gemma »

Personally I don't really mind which version is in use, is not a contest ;)
But maybe Italian users could try different versions and express their opinion in this 3d. Just my 2 cents.

BTW, is it right that in the download page Italian translation is at version 3.4?
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Re: Italian translation

Post by retalv »

Jeff wrote: Since I do not have the ability to tell whose translation is "better" I will always use the original translator's update.
With all due respect, we are already in three native speakers that we consider that translation sloppy and you're still writing that you have no way of knowing which is best?
No hard feelings, I have facilitated your choice ... bye
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