Translation problems

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Matthew Wai
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Translation problems

Post by Matthew Wai »

1516 Color-code icons by account
Does it mean 'different accounts have icons of different colors'?

1517 Rotate number of new messages for each account
Does 'rotate' mean 'turn around'? Or does it mean 'the accounts take turns to show their respective numbers of new messages'?
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Re: Translation problems

Post by Jeff »

1516 - the long description: the color of the tray icon will reflect the color of the account that has new email

1517 - takes turns, the "rotate" implies that it will start at the beginning when all accounts have shown their color (red, green, blue / red, green, blue, etc)
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Re: Translation problems

Post by Matthew Wai »

151 Banner
Does it mean 'banner advertisements'?
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Re: Translation problems

Post by Jeff »

No, it's referring to the AntiJunk banner when you view a message. e.g.
(PRO version only)
1) View a message
2) Under the 'AntiJunk' menu, the last option is "banner" (popout menu)
-> You can hide/show it to see what it's referring to (the green/blue/red banner that appears at the top of the message indicating if the message is legit/unknown/junk)
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Re: Translation problems

Post by Matthew Wai »

-1 Explore.*.
What to explore?

In the current Chinese.plf, there are such lines as
-1 &File.*.文件(&F)
-1 &Message.*.邮件(&M)
-1 &Options.*.选项(&O)

Should the English text 'File', 'Message' and 'Options' be deleted?
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Re: Translation problems

Post by Jeff »

Explore -- This is the menu item under the main menu: "View". e.g. Explore Sent/Archive/Deleted/Junk folders.

What I see when I open PPLC for the v3.8 Chinese file is:
ID: -1
Text: &File
Translation: Chinese (&F)

Within the text file of PLF, you will see:
-1 &File.*.Îļþ(&F)

In that case, yes, the "&File.*." must be there, that's how PP knows what original/English text to translate.

But if you're referring to the "&F" part of the translation, the ampersand allows a keyboard shortcut to be used. In this case, you can press Alt-F to open the file menu. Whether that's practical to be applied in the Chinese language, I'll leave that up to you to decide.
Matthew Wai
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Re: Translation problems

Post by Matthew Wai »

10011 Note: Attachments can only be included when sending via SMTP (not SMTP ).

I don't understand why it says 'via SMTP (not SMTP)' because SMTP = SMTP.
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Re: Translation problems

Post by Jeff »

I'm not sure where you got that text, the full English text is:
Note: Attachments can only be included when sending via SMTP (not WebMail).\n\nPress OK to continue sending this message without attachments.
Matthew Wai
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Re: Translation problems

Post by Matthew Wai »

10005 You must specify one field as "EMAIL"

Please explain when this text will appear.
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Re: Translation problems

Post by Jeff »

smtp / misc / 10005

PP will display this error if you import an address book and none of the imported fields was specified as an email address.

1) Open PP's address book
2) Select File / Import
3) Browse to your existing POP Peeper address book and press Next
4) You will see "Name" and "Email" in the "csv field" column -- you would see the error if you unticked "email" and pressed finish
Matthew Wai
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Re: Translation problems

Post by Matthew Wai »

SendMail: Misc Text 23 Server Returned
Does it mean the server 'returned to normal' or 'returned a message'?

POP Peeper: Misc Text 1020 Use Registry Configuration
It was already translated by another user, the Chinese translation means 'Use the settings of Internet Explorer'. Was it translated correctly?
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Re: Translation problems

Post by Jeff »

"Server returned" -- this will be followed by a short text from the server describing what the error was.

"Use registry configuration" -- It's possible that earlier versions of POP Peeper used English text that mentioned IE and was later changed. If it's not too much trouble, it should probably be updated; but otherwise, it is an acceptable translation.
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