Upgrade issues

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Upgrade issues

Post by happygilmite »

I have been running Pop Peeper for as long as I can remember, and was looking forward to the upgrade to v4. I have successfully upgraded one machine that has only one account in, but I have another pop peeper instance with a total of 30 accounts in it, and it will not upgrade. The software will install, but it cannot process the existing files...it always prompts me to set up a new mail account.

Do I just have too many accounts in Pop Peeper?
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Re: Upgrade issues

Post by Jeff »

The problem may be with the way that this particular install (of v3) was created. In certain cases, if PPv3 was installed in Program Files and was set to use a portable install (e.g. so the data files were stored under C:\Program Files\POP Peeper\data\), the upgrade process will have problems. Here's what I recommend:

POP Peeper v4 does make a backup of your v3 data files, so let's find those files and transfer them to where v4 expects them to be:
- First, let's find where v4 is looking for the data files: from the main menu, select Tools / Options / Storage and refer to the "Ini Location" and "Data path" (note: please let me know what these values are)
- If you know where the v3 files were stored, go to the parent folder and look for the subfolder but with a "-v3" appended. For example, if the data folder was:
look for C:\PP_Data-v3\
- Make sure that POP Peeper is not currently running
- Copy poppeeper.ini (and addrbook.csx if it's there) to where POP Peeper v4 is storing the data from the first step
- Restart POP Peeper and you should have your accounts back

If you cannot find the v3 files, open Windows Explorer to the "Data Path" from the first step above and look for a file called "convert.log" -- send that file to me and that should provide me with the necessary information.
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Re: Upgrade issues

Post by happygilmite »

I will test this tomorrow...thanks so much for the very detailed explanation!
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