Error (-1002) [Yahoo Error 999]

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Error (-1002) [Yahoo Error 999]

Post by tellmepls »

This is probably not an issue with pop peeper itself, but didn't know if you guys were aware or had a fix or anything. The email client is giving error Error (-1002) [Yahoo Error 999] and in browser I am getting "We're experiencing some technical difficulties..." and it goes on to say it is caused by "Temporary error: 19 ".

The error appears on the yahoo side but seems to be occurring as a way to block automated programs from accessing yahoo mail possibly as an anti spam thing. If I leave pop peeper closed for a little while yahoo is accessible though the browser, but when I open pop peeper again the error immediately comes back on the first mail check. Is there any info or is this a known issue? Thanks

Edit: Oh I also want to add this is going on for about a week now.
Last edited by tellmepls on Sun Aug 23, 2015 7:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Error (-1002) [Yahoo Error 999]

Post by spc3rd »

Hi tellmepls and welcome to the PP Forums,

Sorry to hear of the issues you're experiencing. Please have a look at the information regarding the Yahoo Error 999 HERE, and Yahoo Error 19 HERE, to see if this helps shed some light on the issues you're having. (Note the recommendation made by Jeff regarding using the IMAP access method, at the link for info on Yahoo Error 999).

Also, please provide the following in your next post:

1. Which version of PopPeeper are you currently using?

2. Please confirm that you are able to log-in to the affected Yahoo accounts via your browser without any problem(s). NOTE: If you are logged-in automatically, you must completely log out, then log back in, to ensure Yahoo is not requesting a "captcha" or asking you to perform some other action.

3. How are you accessing the Yahoo accounts in PP? (Yahoo, POP3, IMAP)
(Right-click on the account in Account List > click [EDIT] > under the [GENERAL] tab, look at what is shown beside, "Server Type").

4. The text of any error messages you are receiving in PP?
(Click on the yellow box with the black exclamation mark at the lower right corner of the PP main interface to display the message, Then click the [COPY] button and paste it in your reply).

Thank you and best regards,
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Re: Error (-1002) [Yahoo Error 999]

Post by tellmepls »

spc3rd wrote:Hi tellmepls and welcome to the PP Forums,

Sorry to hear of the issues you're experiencing. Please have a look at the information regarding the Yahoo Error 999 HERE, and Yahoo Error 19 HERE, to see if this helps shed some light on the issues you're having. (Note the recommendation made by Jeff regarding using the IMAP access method, at the link for info on Yahoo Error 999).

Also, please provide the following in your next post:

1. Which version of PopPeeper are you currently using?

2. Please confirm that you are able to log-in to the affected Yahoo accounts via your browser without any problem(s). NOTE: If you are logged-in automatically, you must completely log out, then log back in, to ensure Yahoo is not requesting a "captcha" or asking you to perform some other action.

3. How are you accessing the Yahoo accounts in PP? (Yahoo, POP3, IMAP)
(Right-click on the account in Account List > click [EDIT] > under the [GENERAL] tab, look at what is shown beside, "Server Type").

4. The text of any error messages you are receiving in PP?
(Click on the yellow box with the black exclamation mark at the lower right corner of the PP main interface to display the message, Then click the [COPY] button and paste it in your reply).

Thank you and best regards,
I am using pop peeper webmail ssl Imap and sendmail

I think I am accessing it with POP3. IMAP is set for preview and pop3 is set for entire message. It is windows version of pop peeper and the most recent version before the Hotmail fix that was just released using the email notify is on default settings.

I can access yahoo mail with no problems until pop peeper tries to login. This error seems to be similar to a spam block. When pop peeper does the auto check it causes the mentioned error. If pop peeper is closed for a little while I get no error in my browser. I have tried logging out and also deleting my cookies. The error is only the one described above and it is definitely not requesting any OCR or Captcha.

--- Version ---
OS: Windows 8 (x64)
POP Peeper:
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--- Error ---
XXXXXXX [3: Yahoo] ['' (143) SSL: 0] [WebSend: '' (0) SSL: 0]
Error (-20) [Yahoo Error 999]
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Re: Error (-1002) [Yahoo Error 999]

Post by spc3rd »

Thanks very much for posting back with that info, tellmepls!

There may be more going on here than I'm seeing at present, so I have contacted Jeff and asked him to review your topic here. He should be able to better ascertain exactly what is occurring, and a resolution.

Best regards,
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Re: Error (-1002) [Yahoo Error 999]

Post by tellmepls »

Thank you very much for taking the time to look into this and for your replies!
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Re: Error (-1002) [Yahoo Error 999]

Post by mjs »

tellmepls wrote: I think I am accessing it with POP3.
To be sure follow the steps Pete provided:
spc3rd wrote: (Right-click on the account in Account List > click [EDIT] > under the [GENERAL] tab, look at what is shown beside, "Server Type").
If I'm not mistaken it appears that you're accessing the account using "Yahoo" as the "Server type".

If so you might want to review the last underlined part of what Pete had to say about using IMAP here:
spc3rd wrote: Please have a look at the information regarding the Yahoo Error 999 HERE, and Yahoo Error 19 HERE, to see if this helps shed some light on the issues you're having. (Note the recommendation made by Jeff regarding using the IMAP access method, at the link for info on Yahoo Error 999).
tellmepls wrote:.... If pop peeper is closed for a little while I get no error in my browser.

When you do get the error, it sounds like you might sometimes be getting something similar to what you see in this PP forum topic: CLICK HERE .... if so you might want to read further in that topic (Yahoo error 19 & error 999 are similar relatively non-specific "temporary" errors). This is usually a "temporary" error, but obviously not in your case unfortunately. Also did you try clearing the cache for your browser?

While your best bet would be to use IMAP beyond that since your Yahoo "temporary error" is lasting so inordinately long it may be worth giving these steps a try if you like:
1) Sign out of Yahoo Mail on all desktop and mobile devices.
2) Exit Pop Peeper and your Browser
3) Clear your web browser's cache and cookies again
4) Reboot your computer
5) Restart your web browser and Pop Peeper
6) Sign back in to Yahoo Mail to see if the error is gone.
7) Try using Pop Peeper again and see if the error remains gone.

If the error persists, do you have any other Yahoo accounts that are not having this problem?
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Re: Error (-1002) [Yahoo Error 999]

Post by tellmepls »

Many thanks again for all of your well thought out replies! First and foremost I just want to let you know how much I appreciate your efforts here!

Under Server type it does say "Yahoo"

I do not have any other yahoo emails. If I remember correctly a couple of years back I had another issue with a different yahoo account and just ditched it for a better working account. But this email is linked to one I do business with so it is not so disposable.

For now the error actually seems to have gone away on its own after quite a while of having it. It figures that after I made a post it would resolve. If I get any more errors I will try the IMAP method suggested, but the issue probably is temporary with yahoo.

I can confirm that I did indeed clear my cookies. I even ran CC cleaner too and there was no change other then I had to login again. So that didn't appear to fix the error at the time. I will keep an eye out and report anything new, or if I have tried all suggested options without success if the error comes back.
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Re: Error (-1002) [Yahoo Error 999]

Post by spc3rd »

You're quite welcome & glad to hear everything is back to normal, tellmepls!
Thanks also for including the info which lakrsrool had inquired about!

Temporary 'glitches' do seem to come in 'spurts'. They tend to resolve sort of like the proverbial "TV set" that goes on the fritz - until the repair tech arrives...then it miraculously works just fine again! ](*,)

* For future reference, you can also check the status of certain email service providers via the links in the Sticky topic shown HERE.

Given you indicated the particular Yahoo account is used for business purposes, a couple of recommendations you may wish to consider are...

1. Changing the Server type of the account to use the IMAP protocol.
(IMAP is generally considered the better one to use, and usually less prone to problems).

2. If you decide to continue using the "Yahoo" server type, ensure the Polling Interval (i.e. how often PP checks the account for new mail) is set to no more frequently than every 15 minutes.

The Polling Interval timer can be set either using the individual account timer (Account > [EDIT] > [ADVANCED TAB] > Polling interval). Or, using the Global Polling interval (PP interface > [TOOLS] > [OPTIONS] > [MAIL CHECK] > Polling interval.

*NOTE: If the individual account timer is set to "0", then the account will use the Global Polling Interval instead.

Cheers! :mrgreen:
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