Clicked links use wrong browser.. sort of..

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Clicked links use wrong browser.. sort of..

Post by Gryffyn »

Apologies if this was covered, I searched and didn't see a post about it.

I also think I had this issue before, but I forget how it got solved. I think uninstalling/reinstalling might do it, but I'm curious if there's something that can be set/unset to fix it as well.

Basically, when I click a link in PopPeeper (at home, my copy at work works fine, both running the latest 4.3 version) it opens in Chrome, but as "Person 2". I use multiple Chrome profiles/users to segregate projects. At work, it basically behaves as "open link in whatever the current default browser and open session of that browser is".. so whatever user I'm using, it'll use that one. But at home, it it's like it's telling Chrome, explicitly, to open (not a generic system "open this in a browser" call) so it's opening Chrome with it's default user, not the currently open one.

I don't know if that makes any sense to anyone, but maybe someone knows what controls what browser is opened when links are clicked. You'd think the system default browser would be it, but it behaves differently at work and home.

I'm running Windows 10 in both locations.

Also, I suspect it may have to do with maybe not installing PopPeeper, but just copying a directory and running it directly, so maybe something wasn't set up in the registry properly or something.

Thanks in advance! Not critical, just curious.
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Re: Clicked links use wrong browser.. sort of..

Post by Jeff »

PP uses the default webbrowser by default, but it can be overridden:
main menu: Tools / PPtweaker
select the "Misc 2" page
On the bottom is "browser to launch URLs"

I've never used Chrome profiles before, so if you aren't already overriding it for "person 2" then you'll need to figure out the command line to provide the proper profile. Or figure out why Chrome is defaulting to "person 2".
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Re: Clicked links use wrong browser.. sort of..

Post by Gryffyn »

Thanks Jeff. That option was enabled but blank. Disabling it makes URLs open inside PP which isn't what I want. I re-enabled it and put the full command line path and arguments to open in the correct Chrome profile and it did nothing when I clicked links. Not sure if I needed a %1 or some kind of variable at the end where it would insert the URL.. I just assumed it would take the URL to the end of the command line and it would work.

I seem to remember this being an odd operating system and/or executable issue... like if the problem is because I didn't install PP but just ran it out of the directory, that something wasn't set in the registry and the PP is still passing the URL to the OS to figure out what to do with, but ... I forget..

Anyway, I'm sure it'll be fixed if I just do a proper reinstall. It was more a curiosity, especially since it seemed familiar and I seem to remember fixing it before, than anything else. Just a "how do things work and how do we fix them the hard way" hah. If I figure out anything, I'll come back and post the info. If I end up just reinstalling and it fixes it, I'll post as well.

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Re: Clicked links use wrong browser.. sort of..

Post by Jeff »

Thunderbird is my default browser, but I have Chrome installed. Since I don't have any profiles, I just wanted a command-line that would "do something" so that I'd know if it worked. I used the command-line to open a new window instead of the default behavior of adding a tab to an existing window, so this is what I entered into PP:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -new-window
This worked.

Perhaps you didn't use quotes around the filepath? You may also want to try enclosing the entire argument list in a separate quote, e.g.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" "-flag1 -flag2 -flag3"
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