How Do I COMPLETELY Ignore All New Mail for an Account?

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How Do I COMPLETELY Ignore All New Mail for an Account?

Post by Godiva »

I have set up a mailbox to retrieve emailed notifications from a Yahoo calendar. I have it set up so that this account is not displayed on my "All Accounts" page. I am retrieving these emails simply to store an historical record of the entries, however I do not need to be notified that these emails have arrived, nor do I want to see the envelope in the mailbox icon in the system tray when mail for this account arrives. I have set up a Rule as follows (I'm calling the Pop Peeper account name "Yahoo1"):

Ignore Calendar Rule.bmp
Ignore Calendar Rule.bmp (1.76 MiB) Viewed 3843 times

While this properly keeps me getting notified of incoming mail on this account, it still shows a positive number in the "New" column and more importantly, the envelope in the mailbox icon in the system tray (which causes me to check Pop Peeper for incoming mail, especially if I've been away from my computer for awhile). Is there a way to set up a rule so that incoming mail for this account is automatically no longer treated as New so I can retrieve the mail, but otherwise completely ignore it?
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Re: How Do I COMPLETELY Ignore All New Mail for an Account?

Post by Jeff »

That's exactly what I would have suggested and so I tested it and it works as expected for me (no notifications, and no email is considered new; tray icon mailbox is "empty"). The behavior you describe doesn't really make sense -- I'm not saying it's not happening, it's just I'm not sure how it could happen, so there's probably some other factor involved that I can't think of.

When this happens, do you have any messages with the blue envelope (which designates that particular message is 'new')?

Select the latest message in the account (the one you believe is 'new') and then:
right-click: AntiJunk -> Show evaluation

This will show any other filters/rules/etc. that may have done something. Is there anything in that list (particularly, another rule you've setup) that may be interfering?
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Re: How Do I COMPLETELY Ignore All New Mail for an Account?

Post by Godiva »

Stupid me - In the Advanced 2 submenu for this account, I had the "AntiJunk: do not automatically process this account" option enabled!

So far, unchecking the box seems to have fixed things with test messages. I'll know for sure when some legit messages come through later today (but I suspect those will now also process correctly).

I'm not sure why it was enabled, probably when I duplicated the account settings from another account, that option had already been enabled (accidentally?) on the existing account, but since I hadn't needed to use any AntiJunk filters on the older account, I never noticed any problems.
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Re: How Do I COMPLETELY Ignore All New Mail for an Account?

Post by Jeff »

:D Glad you found it so quickly! I'm not sure I would have thought about that particular setting as I was trying to think of things within the AntiJunk settings. That option is particularly useful for specific folders like 'Sent', 'Junk' or 'Trash' -- folders that you just need to see the raw contents of without any filtering.
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