Password I didn't Set

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Password I didn't Set

Post by Gainer »

I use v4.5.3 installed as portable, but stays on my harddrive. I think I copied it to a thumb drive a couple of times more than five years ago just to see if movable. Worked fine and copied it backed. Hasn't been moved since.

Tools->Optios-> Storage (data path and ini correct to App path)

And C:\Users\Tech1\AppData\Roaming\POP Peeper\... two files. AntiJunk.db & PPinfo.txt (both dated about a month ago, huh?)

PP has worked fine through all the PP updates, and through Windows updating from Win7, Win8, Win10. I have been on Win10 since the beginning of Win10. Everything (Win & Appps) are up to date daily (auto or manually).

I have one password to open the PP app. No password on individual email accounts. This morning I launch PP, entered the password and everything is running as "normal" except one email account is in italics and requires a password. No Error messages. The effected email account is a domain account (not gmail, hotmail, etc) and has been in use for over 15 years (same hosting company) Works fine as webmail or can redirect to Outlook 2010 to be viewed

This seems to be half-a_ _ed as I can see the email list, and the address they come from. Click on any email and it opens to jibberish ascii characters (encription?).

When I select the email address account list -> accounts->edit the "Password Protected" check box is not checked (never has been)

What happened? What to do? I have no idea what information to offer beyound this. Please ask. Thank you.
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Re: Password I didn't Set

Post by Jeff »

This part, in particular:
"Click on any email and it opens to jibberish ascii characters"
sounds like your database may be corrupted.

I would recommend deleting the database and then allow POP Peeper to re-contruct your messages from the server:

1) Find where POP Peeper is storing the data under Tools / Options / Storage (note the "data path" location and open that in File Explorer)
2) Exit POP Peeper
3) In this folder, you'll see a folder for each account, go into the folder of the account that's affected
4) delete (or rename) the data.db file
5) Restart POP Peeper

POP Peeper will need to re-download the messages from the server, but that should fix the problem. Let us know.
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Re: Password I didn't Set

Post by Gainer »

Hi Jeff

First... THANK YOU for such a fast response! WOW - Impressive service.

With PP closed I deleted the database (.db) file from the account folder. Extra step, I rebooted my computer and then launched PP. No problem with the program entry password. The problem account entry was still in the list still requiring a password.

I tried to click "Cancel" and the only effect was to completely freeze the program. No part of PP could be addressed with a mouse or keyboard. After waiting 10 minutes to see if it would come out of the lockup, I went to Task Manager and Ended the Task (PopPeeper)

The Account folder had a new .db file.

Is all the information about a singular account in the PopPeeper.INI file? Of course I'm guessing but it is the only file that has todays' date, that has been changed in a week (outside of the Data\ folder). What about deleting the 14 lines for the troubled account?
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Re: Password I didn't Set

Post by Jeff »

Yes, you can manually delete the section in the ini file for that account; I would recommend deleting the data.db file again. And, of course, do both while POP Peeper isn't running.

Can you let me know what you did that led up to requiring the password before it froze? ie. did you try to edit the account or had new messages been retrieved and did you try to open them, etc.? I tried to duplicate your scenario, but I didn't get a freeze; but that could just indicate that something else is still wrong.

btw, since you didn't originally apply a password, the password that it's asking for is likely something that already exists; for example, the login password for the account or your admin password. Just in case that comes up again and you want to try something.
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Re: Password I didn't Set

Post by Gainer »

Jeff, Thanks again for the amazing prompt response.

I followed closing the PP app and did both suggestions. Cleaning the INI and deleting the .db file. I not only deleted the database but the folder also. Since I was going to delete the 14 lines of info in the PP INI file and re-add the account, I thought I would completely start fresh (including the folder in case Windows assigned some Attribute and was incorrect or corrupt.

After "cleaning" the INI file and deleting the database Folder and file, I rebooted my computer. May not be needed but after-all it is Windows.

After reboot, launched PP, entered my admin password... and accessed the UI promptly. No reference in the account list of the troubled account. I went directly to Accounts->Add and recreated the account and was successful with no hesitation or error. Waited until the email list repopulated with the current emails before exiting PP. Again, rebooted, just because.

After reboot and login to Windows, I launched PP, entered the Admin password, and the new version of the account looks and behaves fine. Off and running. Thank you.

Side Note: To your suggestion to use my Admin password, I failed to mention in my first post that I had tried my admin password with no success. Since it is the only password ever used I thought somehow it just might be... makes no sense to my understanding of databases, indices, or computers, but...

To answer your question/request...
Can you let me know what you did that led up to requiring the password before it froze? ie. did you try to edit the account or had new messages been retrieved and did you try to open them, etc.

The evening before my problems, I had shut off the computer. The following morning I booted up, logged in Windows, clicked my tile for PopPepper. No Windows error notifications thus far. I entered my PP admin password - no error from PP. It wasn't until I was in the UI that I notice an account name in italics. Selecting it brought up the request for a password. The only password I have use is the one for the admin... which didn't work. The subsequent "Invalid password" has been the only error message.

My file list in the right window was as I left it the previous evening. I double-clicked on an email and found it to look like a heap of ascii-characters (corruption? or encrypted?) as was all the other emails I tried in that account. Other accounts seemed to be unaffected.

I exited the program and re-booted. The next effort into PP resulted in the same message(s) with the difference being the total number of emails was still in the account list but the list of emails in the right window was gone, never to be seen again till now. (post fix)

Sorry there didn't seem to be anything "exciting", no reveling error message that I could point to and be of help. No events like a cup of coffee in the keyboard, my dog running of with my mouse, or being hacked by some unknown in the Dark Web. I am just glad the fix (on my side) was simple and successful. Your side, oh whoopie, what a bug chase! I have no idea where I'd be if this would have happened to my admin password - gulp!!

Two last items.

1 - I would be happy to share any detail regarding my hardware, Windows setup and Settings config, programs installed (Microsoft and others), how I use PopPeeper, use of portable programs I use (I don't rule out the possibility of one "interfering" although none were in use at the time of the incident) or any other information regarding my environment or systems you feel would be useful in chasing down the possible bug. I would encourage you to ask if you think it would be of assistance. If I feel an item or two is more than I am comfortable in sharing I will simply but respectively decline the possible one or two. The only thing I would ask is to be able to share using a PM and that you/company use it for development/error correction/bug fixing and not to share it.

2 - I have used PopPeeper for a number of years and have become enjoyably dependent on it. It serves me well as I am sure it will moving forward. With that said, I just purchased Two Pro licenses with bundled Plus Packs. I just regret not doing this sooner.

I remain available
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Re: Password I didn't Set

Post by Jeff »

Glad to hear things are back to normal, and thanks for the details. Typically when PP inserts a password because it detected something wrong, it will popup a warning when PP starts, so the fact that you didn't get that does suggest that something didn't go as expected. That's something I'll keep an eye on.

But I was actually referring to the freeze that you had mentioned after deleting the .db file, but before you cleared the ini file:
Gainer wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2020 12:14 am The problem account entry was still in the list still requiring a password.

I tried to click "Cancel" and the only effect was to completely freeze the program. No part of PP could be addressed with a mouse or keyboard. After waiting 10 minutes to see if it would come out of the lockup, I went to Task Manager and Ended the Task (PopPeeper)
You subsequently mentioned "selecting" the account, but -- by default -- that shouldn't do anything (unless you've changed PP to view that account when it's selected, something that normally only happens when you double-click the account), so I just want to confirm that what led to the "freeze" is when you tried to view that particular account's messages (as opposed to, say, edit the account or viewing a particular message, etc.)?

I had tested that scenario (ie. adding password protection to an account, then deleting the account and then restarting PP, and trying to view the messages), but it didn't crash, so I was wondering if there was some other series of events that you did which may have caused the freeze.

The source of the problem was probably within the ini file, so if you happened to save those 14 lines before you deleted it, I'd be interested in taking a look (do NOT post that data here in the forum, just let me know if you have it and we'll go from there). That will contain some very sensitive info, which is why I didn't suggest that you save it off before deleting it; but if you have it and you're willing to share it, let me know.
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Re: Password I didn't Set

Post by Gainer »

Hi Jeff

Sorry I may be a bit off on the precise sequence of events. I was talking on the phone and working on a different remote computer (not on the machine with PP) [promised myself years ago not to multi-task, the bane of my existence]

At the time I was thinking I'll see if I can guess the password, edit the account and uncheck the "Password protected" box, which "of course" I may have checked by accident. Haven't had the need to edit that account in years... but who knows?

Selected the account in the list and it asked for the password and PP locked - just the PP window. I was able to get to Task Manager ... Word and Excell were still functional as was background stuff. After End Task, deleted the DB and proceeded the INI file cleanup.

Yes, I have the 14 lines in my daily auto-backups and will share. A bit more reserved now... other than the email account password, please explain in a PM what else I may considered sensitive. We can go from there.

Again, Thank you for your attention
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Re: Password I didn't Set

Post by Jeff »

I've sent you an email -- if you don't get it, please contact me at (support at esumsoft dot com).
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