Pop Peeper won't start

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Pop Peeper won't start

Post by ws3333 »

So the thanks I get for purchasing Pro and letting it upgrade to v. 5 is that suddenly Pop Peeper will not run under my User Account. It will start up, if I run as Adminstrator, but that is totally useless to me. And if Activate it in the Admin account, which may be the issue, I assume it will duplicate all the space it is using (in two User Accounts instead of one).

Please help.

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Re: Pop Peeper won't start

Post by spc3rd »

Hello ws3333,

Sorry to hear of the problem you are having with the Pro version.

Three questions for you:

1. What exactly happens when you try to run POP Peeper under a non-Administrator account?

2. Is this problem similar to one you reported in the topic below from May 2017?

viewtopic.php?f=3&p=34433&t=6837&sid=e7 ... 4610ccf2b9

3. Which operating system are you using?

Other members of The Esumsoft Team will be reviewing the issue you are reporting and provide additional feedback.

Thank you & best regards.
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Re: Pop Peeper won't start

Post by ws3333 »

1. when I try to run POP Peeper under a non-Administrator account, I briefly see a spinning donut, like it's trying, then nothing

2. Is this problem similar to one you reported in the topic below from May 2017? - yes it doesn't run, no because Pop Peeper did an auto update after offering v.5 (I didn't place any files anywhere myself)

3. operating system is Windows 10 Pro, V. 2004 build 19041.508

Thanks again
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Re: Pop Peeper won't start

Post by Jeff »

If you right-click on the POPPeeper.exe file and select "Properties" -- do you see an option to "unblock" it on the bottom? If so, press it and things should work.

Otherwise, what are your settings for the following 2 options:
under main menu: Tools / Options / Storage
- Ini Location
- Data Path
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Re: Pop Peeper won't start

Post by ws3333 »

If you right-click on the POPPeeper.exe file and select "Properties" -- do you see an option to "unblock" it on the bottom? If so, press it and things should work.

The POPPeeper.exe in C:\Program Files (x86)\POP Peeper does not seem to have that option.

Otherwise, what are your settings for the following 2 options:
under main menu: Tools / Options / Storage
- Ini Location
- Data Path

In the Admin account, it is
C:\Users\WBS2\AppData\Roaming\POP Peeper\poppeeper.ini
C:\Users\WBS2\AppData\Roaming\POP Peeper

I can't get into my User account but I can see there is a poppeeper.ini at that same location in my user account Roaming

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Re: Pop Peeper won't start

Post by Jeff »

Based on your descriptions, it sounds like there's probably a permissions issue. Here's what I would try:
1) Rename the folder where you installed POP Peeper, presumably:
C:\Program Files (x86)\POP Peeper\
C:\Program Files (x86)\POP Peeper-old\

2) As your regular user (not the admin account), re-install POP Peeper to the original location (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\POP Peeper\)

If there's still an issue, the problem could be with the data files, so you may need to reset the permissions on those. We'll cross that bridge if necessary.
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Re: Pop Peeper won't start

Post by ws3333 »

How am I supposed to do that? POPPeeperPro-Install-v50.exe immediately wants Admin permission to run.
I downloaded POPPeeperPro-v50.zip, unzipped it, and copied the files to a new Pop Peeper directory, but that is the problem I was having here viewtopic.php?f=3&p=34433&t=6837&sid=e7 ... 4610ccf2b9
and it doesn't do anything either.
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Re: Pop Peeper won't start

Post by Jeff »

Well, you would need to grant permission to the UAC prompt, but that does not necessitate the need to use an administrator account (granting UAC permissions when prompted and running the installer as admin are not exactly the same). But if you installed PP to a different folder and it has the same problem, then we should just move on

I guess the question is, what did you do last time that made it work? I'm still leaning toward a permissions issue, but it may be with the data files.

Try this -- as an experiment --
C:\Users\WBS2\AppData\Roaming\POP Peeper
C:\Users\WBS2\AppData\Roaming\POP Peeper-old

And then run POP Peeper as the regular user and see if it's able to run. Add an account and check it for mail so that it has something in the database; then exit and restart POP Peeper and make sure it's the same.

If you want to check the permissions on your original data folder:
- Right-click on the top-folder of the original data and select Properties:
C:\Users\WBS2\AppData\Roaming\POP Peeper-old
- Select the "Security" tab
- In the top list, look for your username
- In the bottom list, everything should have a checkmark in the "Allow" list (except "special permissions")
- If it doesn't, then:
-- press the "Edit" button
-- Select the correct user again in the top
-- Select "Full control" in the bottom in the "Allow" column
-- Press OK and OK again
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Re: Pop Peeper won't start

Post by ws3333 »

I see you're correct about granting permission being different from running as Admin, as I granted permission to install to a new PP folder, and when it asks to start PP at the end of installation, it didn't start, but it will start if I run as Admin.

C:\Users\WBS2\AppData\Roaming\POP Peeper is my Admin account

C:\Users\wbs\AppData\Roaming\POP Peeper is my User account - if the only way to get PP to run is rename this directory, you're saying I have to completely setup PP again, for about 12 email accounts - I really don't have that kind of time at the moment

The permissions on C:\Users\wbs\AppData\Roaming\POP Peeper give full Allow status to "wbs"

"last time" was a completely different situation, it was caused by my error in upgrading from a .zip file
this time all I did was enter the License for Pro, and then allow Auto Upgrade to install v.5 (running as User) - it was running fine for years before that - whatever changed was changed by PP
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Re: Pop Peeper won't start

Post by Jeff »

I specifically said "as an experiment" -- if it works, then we can try moving files over.
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Re: Pop Peeper won't start

Post by ws3333 »

The "experiment" seems to work, PP starts as User, and collects mail on one account, and restarts
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Re: Pop Peeper won't start

Post by Jeff »

Ok, good. So the next step I would do is to copy just the ini file -- this will include your accounts and most settings. I wouldn't allow it to check the accounts; so if PP starts, immediately exit and then copy all the other files (make sure you copy and not move as it may be necessary to delete files if something stops working). I am not an expert on Windows permissions, so it's possible that simply copying the files will fix the ownership/permissions.
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Re: Pop Peeper won't start

Post by ws3333 »

after copying the .ini file over, PP will not start in User - same thing after copying .ini.bak over and renaming
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Re: Pop Peeper won't start

Post by Jeff »

What if you:
1) delete the poppeeper.ini file (in the current folder, not the "old" folder)
2) Create a new poppeeper.ini file and copy/paste the *text* from the "old" file into the new
-> ini files are just plain text, so open them in any text editor like notepad or wordpad -- just make sure that it doesn't add an extension (I think one or both of those like to add .txt extension)
3) Save the file
4) Restart PP

If that doesn't work, then there must be something in the ini file that's not normal (what that could be that changes how admin behaves is puzzling). So in that case, I'd recommend that you email me (using that form or email: support at esumsoft dot com), as it may take some more direct troubleshooting to find the problem.
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Re: Pop Peeper won't start

Post by ws3333 »

Just sent an email to support at esumsoft dot com with two attachments. It definitely seems to be the .ini file.
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Re: Pop Peeper won't start

Post by Jeff »

This issue has been resolved. The fix is addressed in v5.0.2 ("Fix: Potential crash at startup due to AntiJunk initialization") and was fixed for ws3333 by modifying the ini file.
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