Oauth2 tokens having to be renewed multiple times a day

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Oauth2 tokens having to be renewed multiple times a day

Post by DarkNexxus »

Okay, so I have the POP Peeper v5.4.1, I use it for notifications only. I don't send email with it. I have 4 Gmail accounts that I monitor, of those four, two are losing access several times a day. At the very least, once a day. This has been going on for just about a week now. At first it was affecting all my accounts, then two of them stayed connected, but the other two keep dropping out. So I went through a few posts on here with mentions of 0auth2 issues and read the possible solutions, firewall, reboots, deleting and recreating the accounts. I've done all those things without any luck. I also use POP Peeper to check Hotmail/live accounts, those use the standard username/password logins. I'm running Windows 10 Home Version 21H2. All drivers are up to date.

Any suggestions?
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Re: Oauth2 tokens having to be renewed multiple times a day

Post by mjs »

First, it goes w/out saying we can assume all 4 Gmail accounts (the two that work OK and the two that do not) all have the same exact settings in POP Peeper....

That said, make sure that all 4 are using IDLE/Push (checked) that you may have missed - bottom-right of the "General" edit Interface.

Now to your two Gmail account issues:
1) Please explain in more detail as to what it is you mean by "two are losing access..." and then your later comment "... then two of them stayed connected, but the other two keep dropping out.".
Do you mean POP Peeper fails to retrieve messages for these two accounts that you know for a fact are on each of the relevant accounts Server?
Please elaborate as much as you can in more detail on all of this including what it is you've done to analyze the problem (including more precisely what you mean by the terms "... losing access" and "... dropping out" that you've mentioned).

2) Are you getting any POP Peeper errors? - if so please post the errors you get in this topic.

Regarding the two problematic Gmail accounts please perform the following steps for us:
1) Do a right click on each of the two accounts.
2) Select the "Server info..." from the right-click list (leaving off the top email address line).
3) Then please copy (select right-click "Copy") and then "Paste" the information in this topic - Again it is *IMPORTANT (for privacy reasons) that you do NOT include the top line (that is your email account) in your copy/paste to this topic.

Also please post your "Server info (all)..." data as well by doing the following:
1) You will need to find the empty area at the bottom of your POP Peeper Accounts list (left pane of the Interface) making sure you're not selecting an account in the list.
2) By doing a right-click in this (empty) area of the left Accounts pane - you should see a "Server info (all)..." option in the list of right-click options.
3) Once you get this information copy/paste this info to this topic (there are no privacy issues to be concerned about in regards this data).
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Re: Oauth2 tokens having to be renewed multiple times a day

Post by Jeff »

To highlight what is most important from what mjs said -- be sure to include the full errors that POP Peeper reports when you need to re-authenticate Oauth2.
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