Error during Backup

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Error during Backup

Post by jdbliss »

When I do a backup of my PP, the backup seems to go all the way through but ends with a "Backup Failed" message: An error occurred while creating the archive - Press OK to view log.

The log is 46000+ lines long. A lot of plain text email in it.

The errors have the number (512) after Error.

I am wondering if this is because my friend sends me emails with a Subject line the size of what should be in the body of the email. So an Erroring email says: *Error (512) <path to email> name of email really really really long like he doesn't know he is supposed to be putting all this in the body of the email and not the subject, nor does he realize how annoying it is!.eml

I can not tell if the Restore on my new machine restored completely and correctly. It seems OK though.

I can provide the log if needed, but since there was so much plain text in it, due to my friend and his email idiosyncrasies, I would prefer to wait until it is needed.


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Re: Error during Backup

Post by Jeff »

Ok, so the 512 error is an error from the zip utility and means "no file" -- that, on its own, isn't very descriptive but thanks to your sleuthing I'd say that you're probably right -- the length of the filename exceeds that allowed by the OS and so zip wasn't able to create the file.

I assume that the error log tells you the filename that has an error? If so, try renaming the file so that it's as short as other emails. Then try the backup again and see if the error for that filename is now ok. If so, if you don't have too many 512 errors, you could do the same for all those.

Let me know the result and I'll see about getting that issue addressed.
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Re: Error during Backup

Post by jdbliss »

Thanks Jeff.
There are too many of those emails for me to bother. I am not loosing much by not retaining them.
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Re: Error during Backup

Post by Jeff »

Would you be willing to send me your log file? I tried to duplicate the problem, but POP Peeper should shorten the filepath to fit; when I tested it (archive) with a long subject name, the subject in the filename was shortened and backup didn't complain about it.

If you're willing to send it (zipping it should help on the size), please send it to (support at esumsoft dot com) and please remind me why you're sending the file in the email.
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Re: Error during Backup

Post by jdbliss »

Ok, feeling pretty dumb at this point.....where is the log file located?
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Re: Error during Backup

Post by Jeff »

I think that the log is only a temp file, so you'd have to run the backup again to get a current log. Then just save the log file that opens somewhere that you can find it and send that file.
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Re: Error during Backup

Post by jdbliss »

Email has been sent with the log attached.
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