Unable to add Google RSS Feed

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Unable to add Google RSS Feed

Post by Mayhem »

For some reason, Pop Peeper won't let me add the following RSS Feed :


After I enter the above URL in the "Incoming server" input box, I click on the "next" button and nothing happens. It's like I never clicked on the button at all.

Is anyone able to reproduce this on their end? I'm using Pop Peeper v5.5.3.0 and RSS v5.4.5.0
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Re: Unable to add Google RSS Feed

Post by Jeff »

It worked for me on the first try, but... I almost immediately knew what the problem probably was and sure enough I was able to duplicate it.

The problem is that the wizard is expecting the sendmail plugin in this scenario. In fact, on my first attempt to duplicate this and I saw the sendmail page, my first thought was, "I should remove that"... #-o

So here are a couple of work-arounds:

- If you have the SendMail plugin installed, but not enabled:
1) Go to main menu: Tools / Plugins and enable the SendMail plugin
2) Create the RSS account (you can disable send mail on the last page)
3) Disable the SendMail plugin

- If you don't have the SendMail plugin installed:
1) Enable "Advanced Options" under main menu: Tools / Options / General and press OK
2) Right-click on empty space below your last account (if your list is full, there's always a couple pixels below the last account) and select "Create Account (manual)"
3) Fill in the necessary details and be sure to set
Server type = RSS
incoming server = https://status.search.google.com/en/feed.atom

Some other default values:
email address = rss@rss.com
login name = rss

An alternative to this method is to right-click on an existing RSS account and select "Duplicate account" and then modify the necessary settings. This method also requires "Advanced Options".

Sorry about that!
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Re: Unable to add Google RSS Feed

Post by Mayhem »

Thank you!
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