Which free email address service has best spam filter?

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Which free email address service has best spam filter?

Post by freckles »

Hey everyone!
I just wanted to find out what email service works best as far as handling spam.
Thanks in advance for your opinions!
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Post by war1 »

Gmail Spam filter has caught all my spam emails put in Spam folder.
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Post by Jeff »

I've had a gmail account since the beginning (2.5 years ago) and started noticing spam several months ago. Most go to the spam folder, but I get one every few days that makes it into the inbox.

I've had my primary Yahoo account for 8 years and I have never seen a single spam message in it. However, this is probably just pure luck because it doesn't even get messages in the spam folder. I do use this email address but only for specific yahoo-related things.

I also have many other webmail accounts that don't get much/any spam, but they aren't used for any other purpose than for PP, so I can't claim how good their filters are.
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