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More content to be translated...

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 3:08 pm
by devega

could the following be translated in future versions?
-Combo contents in character set selection (Font..): Thai, Arabic, East Europe, etc.
-Combo contents in Encoding selection (SendMail plugin): None, quoted-printable...
-"Download..." string in the language selection combo.
added (09/01/09): When replying/forwarding a message, the strings in the message's body: "---Original message---"; "From"; "To"; "Date"; "Subject"


P.S. When PPLC is empty (anything opened), clicking Save or Save as... results in a VS Just-In-Time Debugger warning.

Re: More content to be translated...

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:10 pm
by Jeff
I've added these to my notes. Some comments:
"Download..." string in the language selection combo.
My reasoning for not translating this is that the default language is English, so you will be forced to have to deal with "download" upon first execution regardless. But I suppose that's not really a compelling argument...

-Combo contents in Encoding selection (SendMail plugin): None, quoted-printable...
Quoted-Printable (and Base64) are technical terms that shouldn't be translated. But "none"...