using Compsoe button crashes client

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using Compsoe button crashes client

Post by amjfrankenstein »

hello - when I try to compose an email using the top bar compose button it causes the client to loop a progress circle and will not respond to anything I do - when I right click on an account and choose compose new message it will work fine - am I missing something here why it won't open a new message from the main button?
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Re: using Compsoe button crashes client

Post by Jeff »

Welcome to the POP Peeper forums, amjfrankenstein.

Can you tell me:
- What version of POP Peeper you're using (check under Help / About)?
- If there is an Account selected in the Account List (left-side), PP will use that account for the default compose; if not, it will use the account of the first *message* selected; and if neither an account nor message is selected, PP will use the first account in the Account List. Using that information, can you tell if there's a specific account causing the problem? e.g. if you right-click on the first account and select compose, does it hang?

Once we know if there's a specific account causing the problem or not, we'll go from there.
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Re: using Compsoe button crashes client

Post by tigerwokie »

Hi Jeff, I have a similar situation as described by OP. Mine was working fine on day 1 of V4 transition. I followed your troubleshooting instructions and found I can compose email when I right clicked on anyone of the accounts listed on left side, but will get a message "email client empty ..." when I tried to compose using the COMPOSE button. Thanks.
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Re: using Compsoe button crashes client

Post by Jeff »

When you press the "Compose" button, do you get the "select account" prompt? If not, you may need to reset it:
Tools / Options / General: "Reset confirmation prompts"

If you want to return to the similar behavior that occurred in v3 and the prompt doesn't come up, then the next time you compose, tick the "Do not show this prompt again." If you also enable the "use this account by default" option, you will get different behavior than v3, and it will always use the selected account by default; of course, you can still change it in the compose window.
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Re: using Compsoe button crashes client

Post by tigerwokie »

Resetting does the trick. Thanks.

4/29 update:
1. After shutting down and restarting the system overnight, I have to repeat the "reset confirmation prompts" process again. Is this normal or how should I fix it?

2. I mistakenly checked the "register Pop Peeper as email client" and cannot uncheck it. Is this OK or how should I fix it?
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Re: using Compsoe button crashes client

Post by Jeff »

What settings did you choose when the prompt came up after resetting it?

If you had another email client set as default, then you will need to go back into that program and set it back to the default. If you didn't previously have an email client set (and I'm guessing you didn't considering the "empty email client" error), then it's no big deal. Setting PP to the default client means that you can click on "mailto" links in your webbrowser (or wherever) and it will allow you to compose email using PP.
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Re: using Compsoe button crashes client

Post by tigerwokie »

I selected my gmail account as the default. But I have to repeat the confirm process every time after a system shut down and reboot. My previous email client was MS Outlook, but I had it removed and reloaded on another computer.
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Re: using Compsoe button crashes client

Post by Jeff »

Ok, I'll have to ask you to walk me through what happens and what you do.

So, let's say you "reset all prompts" and then you compose a new message. In the "select account" window, you select the GMail account (if not already selected); of the 2 other checkboxes, what do you enable?

Later, in the same session (you haven't restarted PP), you compose another email -- does the "select account" work as expected given what choices you made the first time?

Now, you exit and restart PP. You compose another email. But your email client appears (rather, it tells you that it's not specified) which is not expected.

Have you noticed if any other settings you make stick or not? For example, if you move the PP window to an obviously-different position/size and then exit/restart, is the window where you left it before you exited, or is it back to where it was before you moved it?
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Re: using Compsoe button crashes client

Post by tigerwokie »


To your first question, I selected 2 other boxes: USE THIS ACCT BY DEFAULT ..; and DO NOT SHOW THIS AGAIN

The "select account" continue to work as expected in the same PP session.

After I exit and restart PP, when I tried to compose a new email; I'd receive the "empty client" error and I have to repeat the reset prompts again.

I moved and resized the PP window to a different location and then exit/restart. The same size window came back where I left it and of course I received the same "empty email client" error when I tried to compose a new email. The only setting that is "stuck" is the register PP as the window client ..." meaning I cannot uncheck it.

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Re: using Compsoe button crashes client

Post by Jeff »

Ok, I've been trying but I just can't get the same behavior you're describing. So, let's do this:

The next time you have the problem:
1) Go to Tools / Options / Storage
2) Select and copy the "Ini location"
3) Edit this file (you can paste it into Windows Run prompt to edit it)
4) Search for DefaultComposeAct and let me know what the value is
-> Does the value match what you expect (ie. the name of the account you chose to open as the default send client)?
5) Edit that account in PP
6) Select the "Send Mail" page
-> What is the "Send option" set to?
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Re: using Compsoe button crashes client

Post by tigerwokie »

The DefaultComposeAct value is my gmail account. This is expected since this was the account I selected. I then edited this gmail account in PP and the SEND OPTION lists webmail.

Note: I want to take a moment to apologize to OP for taking over his thread, sorry about that.
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Re: using Compsoe button crashes client

Post by Jeff »

I have sent you an email to request additional information; let me know if you did not receive it.
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Re: using Compsoe button crashes client

Post by tigerwokie »

Problem and mystery solved ! It turns out the leading spaces (intentional) in my email account in PP is the culprit. When PP reloads, it strips the empty spaces and resulted in an account mismatched. It is a simple fix on my part and thank you Jeff for the persistence in resolving my issue. Sorry for giving you more white hairs, haha.
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Re: using Compsoe button crashes client

Post by Jeff »

As of the next version, you won't be able to create accounts that lead/trail with spaces. It will either strip them out or replace them with underscores. IF you happen to have existing accounts that would be affected, POP Peeper will not change them until you edit and save the account.
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