POP Peeper v5.0.3 (early release)

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POP Peeper v5.0.3 (early release)

Post by Jeff »

POP Peeper v5.0.3 addresses all known issues in v5.0. v5.0.3 will be released to everyone soon.

POP Peeper v5.0.3 is available for Pro users who opt into the "early release" channel. This is effectively a way to test fixes before it is released to everyone.

To enable this option:
1) On the main menu, select Tools / PPtweaker
2) Select the "troubleshooting" page
3) At the very bottom, enable "Opt into Early Release / Beta updates"
4) Press OK to save

Once enabled, you will get notifications of all future early release updates. To access this update immediately:
- Main menu: Help / About
- Press the "Check Version" button
- You'll need to select the "auto-update" method

Here are the changes in v5.0.3:
- Fix: IMAP: Changing the custom trash folder may not take effect immediately if the folder's value had already been cached
- Fix: IMAP: When retrieving a preview fails, POP Peeper will now retrieve the entire message (this seems to be an issue with Yahoo servers, the same message using the same command which fails on Yahoo works on other servers)
- Fix: Potential crash when Windows shuts down
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