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Suggestion: add warning for inexistent mail sound file

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 12:38 am
by ktp

For some mail accounts I set a mail sound with this setting path: Edit account / Advanced / New mail sound.

These days, I no longer heard these sounds. It finally appears that for some reason the path of my mail sound
becomes invalid (parent path directory renaming). So my suggestion is that Pop Peeper issues a warning
when it tries to play an inexistent mail sound file.

Thank you.

Re: Suggestion: add warning for inexistent mail sound file

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 4:13 pm
by Jeff
Once upon a time, I would have said that the solution was worse than the problem. That is, the only way that PP could have told the user that there was a problem would be by popping up a message box, which I try to avoid doing for something that's supposed to keep to itself in the background.

However, in v5, I had added the capability for the Error window to display "miscellaneous" errors (I think I had done that initially in case the ini file is write-protected, but I've since gone on to use it for other things for v6). So, I have added that functionality to report a missing sound file and, because there are so many different places that sounds may be used, the error also gives a little hint where the sound file is located, e.g.
Invalid sound file
(account: Main) i:\NonexistentSoundFile.wav
edit: I should also mention that this error only occurs if the file doesn't exist. If the file exists but isn't a valid sound file, PP will not report an error simply because the system function that PP uses to play wav files doesn't return an error, so there's no way for PP to know.

This will be in v6.

Thanks for the suggestion.