addresses added to personal emails

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addresses added to personal emails

Post by elk_s »

I doubt whether this is a PopPeeper problem because it has happened this last time when I used OE to send messages.
I just have no place else to turn for help of any kind.
I am 62 years old and divorced and trying to meet some women through the Internet. I have been talking to 4 women lately using email and last night I got some email returned from one woman in Pa. The header showed that it was sent to a woman in Phoenix (the day before) with two additional addresses in the "send to" and one in the "CC".
This happened last month about this time too.
I just re-installed Windows Professional 2000 a few days ago, deleted my mail account and everything else I had on Yahoo a few weeks ago and created a new one.
The only thing the same is the Hotmail account I have been using.
Any suggestions??? or has anyone else had this problem? I really can't believe I am the only one. Sounds like some kind of "humorous" virus I picked up someplace.
Believe me....ANY suggestions would be appreciated.
Al Knight
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Post by Jeff »

When you send the email, do you use "reply all"? This would include additional addresses that the original sender had used.

Do you know the other addresses?

What did you use to send the message (PP, OE, Yahoo web)?

Have you tried sending yourself an email and seeing if any other addresses appear in the header?
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addresses added to my personal emails

Post by elk_s »

Hi Jeff,
I just lost a girlfriend today. She got a copy of an email I sent to someone else.
When this started last month it was 3 email addresses...all the women I have been talking to via email.
It lasted a couple of days then disappeared.
Since then I look at each email I send to make sure there is nothing in the "CC" and that it's only being sent to who I want it sent to.
I have never used "Reply all".
So..I use PP sometimes and Outlook express sometimes, but what happened last night or this morning was Outlook Express.
It actually found an email I sent 4 days ago to a woman in Phoenix and sent it to my girlfriends in Sun City, AZ...Johnstown, PA.. and Mesa, AZ.
My email address was in the "CC" field so I got a copy too.
Yes..I have been sending test emails out all morning and everything is normal.
It does seem to be only one of my accounts on Hotmail that is doing it but last month it think it did the same thing with my mail account on Yahoo.
Of course this is not a PP problem but like I said, you must know a lot about how email works so I thought I'd ask.
Al Knight
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Post by Jeff »

It actually found an email I sent 4 days ago to a woman in Phoenix and sent it to my girlfriends in Sun City, AZ...Johnstown, PA.. and Mesa, AZ.
My email address was in the "CC" field so I got a copy too.
Does anybody else have access to your computer....?

If you're certain that it wasn't operator error, I might get a little paranoid at this point. I doubt it's a virus, it seems too specific.
It does seem to be only one of my accounts on Hotmail
Change your password!!
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Additional addresses added to my emails

Post by elk_s »

Hi again,
After the episode last month I changed all of my passwords but I will change them again.
There are three things I can think of.
One..Hotmail wants all of the old accounts that have free access to OE out so are doing it with email addresses they find in the "Save" folder or any other folders.
The second you said..someone has access to my email account.
The last thing I can think of is a virus that only activates itself on a certain date. The 10th of each month. It must find recently used email addresses to add to the address or "CC". I'll see what happens on July 10th.
I've deleted all the saved emails so if it finds addresses I have no idea of where they can be coming from. I turned your "save to disk" off so it can't be there.
Thanks a lot for taking the time to think about it.
I'll probably be posting again in a month.
Al Knight
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Post by JRF »

Hi elk_s , something to emphasise Jeff's notes :

0- change all your passwords .
1- to delete all saved emails from PP , rigth-click over each account name , and left-click Remove Messages from List .
2- just for safe , run an anti-spyware on your PC , up to date , do this now !
3- same for an anti-virus .

Drop a line here if you have doubts .
• (PP + IMAP + Send)=381 Web=3808 PPT=38 SSL=1005 Voice=3 Chime=3 Skin=36 PP-Add-on-Pack=3 • XPproSP3 • Fx=1301 Opera=1162 [IE=80] • Online-Armor=5501616 • CPU=1.2GHz • RAM=2.5GB •
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addresses added to my emails

Post by elk_s »

Thanks for the suggestions.
I've done them all.
The lastest scan found a Trojan in the old Norton protected recycler.
Deleted a bunch of stuff today, including all the Norton files.
Deleted all the Temp files..saved emails...sent lists..
Changed all my passwords...
But...I am still hesitant about sending anymore "personal" emails even with all the test emails I sent working fine.
Just gotta see what happens now.
Thanks again
Al Knight
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