5.4.5 UI text not scaled

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5.4.5 UI text not scaled

Post by w64bit »

Tried 5.4.5 on a computer with 125% scaling (Win 10 22H2) and I noticed that the text inside UI is not scaled properly.
More than 50% UI text is not scaled.
This can be fixed?
Thank you
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Re: 5.4.5 UI text not scaled

Post by Jeff »

Do you have specifics? I just did a quick test and took a screenshot of both and -- as far as the main window is concerned -- everything is scaled between my 2 screenshots.

One thing to keep in mind is that PP only uses single monitor DPI, so if you have multi-monitor and move it to a monitor that has a different DPI (than your primary monitor, I believe), it can cause erratic results in the scaling.
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Re: 5.4.5 UI text not scaled

Post by w64bit »

I attached 3 screenshots:
- main window
- Options
- PPtweaker
High DPI scaling override = OFF because in this way the font is not blurred (to avoid brute scaling).

The font size is different in menus+status bar vs the rest.
It seems that the UI has no a single font type: in image 3.png I marked 2 words starting with I, Interface and IMAP.
The I is Sans Serif in Interface word
The I is Serif in IMAP word

Maybe the interface should have in all UI the font MS Shell Dlg 2.
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Re: 5.4.5 UI text not scaled

Post by Jeff »

Here is a side-by-side comparison of 100% vs your 125%:
While there may be certain discrepancies, it is clear that there is dpi-scaling happening. I took several measurements from these 2 screenshots, and the comparisons are *approximately* 25% larger in yours. Examples:
Titlebar height -- 25 -> 31 (25*1.25 = 31.25)
Titlebar font height "PpTweaker" -- 12 -> 17 (12*1.25 = 15)
Page font height "Reply (Client)" -- 12 -> 14 (12*1.25 = 15)

So why does one 12pt font scale to 17 and another 14? My guess is that either the font is different (as you pointed out, this seems to be an issue), or because Windows decides that certain elements (titlebar vs list) will not necessarily scale the same. Since the titlebar scales 125% (25->31), it might look weird (ie. too small) using a 14pt font, but 14pt is fine for the list. (Windows does most of the work in scaling the fonts).

I also know, having used 125% back when I was doing the original DPI work on PP -- 125% is a *very* bad scaling factor. It frequently leads to decimal point rounding issues that often lead to less than ideal results. 150% has fewer issues and 200% shouldn't have any issues.

Now, the font issue you mentioned is interesting. I have to admit, I've never noticed that before and I'm not sure why that's happening. I'm guessing that the pages (right-side of all the options pages) are using a fall-back font, even though the resources are assigned to the same font class as everything else. I'll definitely be looking into that.
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