Boundary Failure

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Boundary Failure

Post by Miki »

Good morning Jeff,

I have a Boundary Failure with the string 1383:

Boundary Failure.png
Boundary Failure.png (10.53 KiB) Viewed 20211 times

I cannot change the translation, should be possible more space for this string?

Boundary Failure-SIZE.png

Best regards

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Re: Boundary Failure

Post by Jeff »

This particular field is a little unusual because of its location and the type of window that it's in. I would highly encourage an abbreviation or synonym to try to get it to fit.

Are you working on a personal translation? POP Peeper has an Italian translator who's been doing the translation for... well, probably since the very first version that had translations (the year 2002). He uses "Dim." for that text. I can send you his v5.0 translation if you're interested. Otherwise, I hope you haven't gone to too much effort :oops:
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Re: Boundary Failure

Post by Miki »

Good morning Jeff,

I agree ... it's a particular position, but enlarge 2 letter should be better than an abbreviation (no synonym available and "Dim." is very bad)

I work on my personal translation from 2016 and I know there is an official translator, but I like more mine :wink:
And thanks, but I have just updated to v5 my translation.


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