Convert EMD files?

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Convert EMD files?

Post by GoSlow2GoFast »

I hope this isn't considered a rude question, not my intention.

I previously used and supported PopPeeper for a number of years, but it's been 5+ years since I moved off of it. But I still have some old EMD files from when I did use it, and just wondering if there is any known way to convert them to some other email format so that I could view them before I delete them? I don't have PP installed, not even sure the last version I used, it's been a while. So I was hoping to be able to "convert" the emails in my EMD files to something more generic so that I could then import of view them in an email client like Thunderbird or Outlook. Is this possible by any means?
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Re: Convert EMD files?

Post by Jeff »

The emd format hasn't been used for quite some time (v3). Without POP Peeper, no, there's no way to access those messages. *With* POP Peeper, you could archive the messages, which would save the messages as standard .eml messages which (most) any email client can access.
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