'Failed to verify after EHLO'

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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by trev19 »

I've bumped this because the same thing is now happening with outlook.com and hotmail.com emails - AVG is blocking them from sending emails.

As most of my emails are hotmail or outlook, this makes Poppeeper pretty useless to me unless I change my anti-virus, which I don't want to do.....

Then it got worse. I made a new mail.com email, put it on PP via duplicating a working one I had. Nope. 'Login error, authentication failed'.
OK maybe I cocked it up - I'll do another one. Same thing - and note, using exactly the same entries as for the one I already have.

Right. I'll do a Gmail one - those work! Nope. 'Login error, authentication failed, invalid credentials failure'.
OK - so up comes the ''enable oauth2 window'. Well THAT works, I've got one on that already....


'Access blocked: POP Peeper’s request is invalid
You can’t sign in because POP Peeper sent an invalid request. You can try again later, or contact the developer about this issue. Learn more about this error If you are a developer of POP Peeper, see error details.
Error 400: invalid_request

And the error details were:
Error 400: invalid_request
The out-of-band (OOB) flow has been blocked in order to keep users secure. Follow the Out-of-Band (OOB) flow migration guide linked in the developer docs below to migrate your app to an alternative method.
Request details: redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob

The 'details' tab below that sends you here: https://developers.google.com/identity/ ... -migration

And while AVG seems to be the problem for hotmail.com, it doesn't seem to be the problem for the rest of it.

So accounts set up in exactly the same format as existing, working accounts, won't work, because of.... well not a clue.

Note that these accounts, unlike the hotmail ones which just can't send emails, can't log on at all. But they DO all work fine from their respective web pages.
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by mjs »

If you like you can take a look at a couple AVG Support Community topics that in general relates to your issue: MS Outlook 2010 no send/receive after AVG update Aug 31 2022
AVG is blocking my emails after update

The issues discussed were directly related to the AVG Email Shields (that is, disabling one or more AVG Email Shields in particular solved the issues discussed), which for the most part appears to be the case for you as well.

As you can see reading through these conversations it appears AVG was unable to address the issue that arose subsequent to an AVG update (that is. absent disabling one or more AVG Shields [i.e. Email Shields]).

If you do not want to disable any AVG shields (Email shields or otherwise) and/or exclude the POP Peeper app by adding the application (executable) file to the AVG exclusions list then I'm not sure what else you can do.

Btw, you can find many links on the Internet discussing similar issues (and the way to resolve) to the two above for both Avast and AVG (which are essentially the same service as the the two AV services merged several years ago).

On a side note, this was to a large extent why I discontinued using Avast probably around 10 or so years ago - so Avast (and AVG as well) have had a long history of producing issues blocking email messages (for the most part outgoing) most often subsequent to an AV update. I had to exclude POP Peeper files from Avast over many years and at times following updates and had to disable Email Shields as well (that is until Avast "fixed" the problems that arose from updates over the years). I would add that the time I stopped was when I started having difficulties with my Windows 7 HP laptop and I found when uninstalling Avast everything went downhill from there to the point I was unable to restore or access any files (including recovery files) on my HP Laptop in the end which precipitated my junking the laptop (fortunately via a recovery tool, I was ultimately able to recover about half of my files that were non-image files).
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by Jeff »

For Gmail, see this FAQ: https://www.esumsoft.com/pop-peeper/faq/?q=GmailOauth
This is a more succinct post of the article originally posted here: https://www.esumsoft.com/news/notice-gm ... peeper-v4/
Likely, your existing accounts continue to work because they haven't needed to re-authenticate Oauth2, but it's probably just a matter of time.

Have you tried testing the mail.com accounts without AVG interfering? Have you contacted AVG?

Also, depending on what you're expecting from AVG email scanning, it may be redundant. e.g. incoming file attachments would be scanned by the real-time AV scanning.

Honestly, a lot of the problems you're having might be a result of using an out-of-support OS (the Gmail Oauth2 issue certainly is).
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by trev19 »

Jeff wrote: Thu Jan 19, 2023 5:05 pm Honestly, a lot of the problems you're having might be a result of using an out-of-support OS (the Gmail Oauth2 issue certainly is).
Yep, I know. But I'm afraid I'm one of (apparently a huge number of) people who dislike and cannot get on with the later versions of Windows. I have a second computer which was my wife's, which has Windows 10 and I have tried it, but loathe it!

As for contacting AVG.... well while I know you good folk will do your best, I somehow can't see AVG bothering too much.
I'm afraid when things on the internet are 'improved' they often seem to me to become worse or cease to work at all!
The guy at our local computer shop says he has tried Windows 11, and thinks it truly awful lol!

And yes, I have tried the mail.com accounts with AVG off - no joy. But all the hotmail ones work. The gmail one however won't, as the implication of their message is your system - or in reality my OS - doesn't meet their new requirements.

Oh well... maybe I'll have to buy a pigeon.... Thanks guys.

To add - I have found a prog which does get gmail (but not solve the hotmail or mail.com problem, which is probably AVG) through Windows 7, but wouldn't be fair to say what.
Poppeeper is the better layout and program by far, but ..... can't do that. :(
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by mjs »

trev19 wrote: Thu Jan 19, 2023 5:22 pm And yes, I have tried the mail.com accounts with AVG off - no joy.
If using mail.com FREE then it is my understanding that these settings are what will work assuming no security interference is present (works for me) - their a bit picky about their free service :)
PIC-1 mail dot com incoming settings.png
PIC-1 mail dot com incoming settings.png (10.06 KiB) Viewed 3756 times
PIC-2 mail dot com outgoing settings.png
PIC-2 mail dot com outgoing settings.png (8.02 KiB) Viewed 3756 times
If you're not using these settings, try this and if necessary with AVG Email Shield disabled (just for testing purposes).
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by trev19 »

Ah - but that's using imap.mail.com..... which you guys want paying for!

I'm a poor pensioner sitting here burning the last of my furniture to keep the temp above freezing, can't afford luxuries like that however deserved the price may be :wink:

I don't need mail.com anyway - I just object to giving email companies my phone number to sell, and was an alternative to gmail - which I now have solved.
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by mjs »

trev19 wrote: Thu Jan 19, 2023 5:22 pm... But all the hotmail ones work. The gmail one however won't...
In regards to Gmail on Windows 7 - all of my Gmail accounts work seamlessly in POP Peeper on my Windows 7 machine (but then I'm not using Avast/AVG for my AV security). With that in mind, there is no reason then that Gmail should not work for you (in POP Peeper) on Windows 7 as well (that is, by removing the AV interference in your case :-k).
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by trev19 »

Well that's what I thought too. But it didn't. You saw the gmail message re 'out of band'.....
I'll try again in the morning - probably did something daft. Well it's already morning here, so much later in the morning lol!
Maybe the cold was getting to me :) Have to chuck the last sofa on the fire... :!:
Last edited by trev19 on Thu Jan 19, 2023 7:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by mjs »

trev19 wrote: Thu Jan 19, 2023 7:48 pm Ah - but that's using imap.mail.com..... which you guys want paying for!...
As mentioned, I'm using FREE MAIL.COM - these are the settings that work for a FREE account.

Hmm, how long have you had the mail.com accounts? (how long may possibly be a factor....)
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by trev19 »

Mail.com is free, but you guys want a webmail subscription for mail.com server

And had them about 3 hours! There is one I've had longer, and that does work fine still.
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by mjs »

Unless I'm misunderstanding your point, the (IMAP) settings I posted (above) are not using the "mail.com" (webmail) protocol server setting - so no POP Peeper subscription would be needed.
trev19 wrote: Thu Jan 19, 2023 7:57 pm And had them about 3 hours! There is one I've had longer, and that does work fine still.
Aha - so one account does work (and it's an account that you've had longer than "3 hours") - that's perhaps at issue. Older mail.com accounts will perhaps be acceptable - but possibly not the case for new accounts....

.... I think Jeff has more information on this mail.com issue (as far as the period of time an account has been held by the user and what will and will not work - can't off-the-cuff find that info).
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by trev19 »

Don't worry, I don't need them.

The gmail ones now work fine, you don't need to provide a phone number to get new ones, so I'm OK now, can manage without the others as I can at least receive emails. Just change the sender to reply.

Thanks for all your help though - saved me a lot of head-scratching! That's me done - off to bed, 1am here lol!

Cheers. Trev
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by Jeff »

To be clear -- did you read the article I posted to earlier, it gives directions on what you need to get Gmail to work on Win7:

And, as mjs mentioned, it's mail.com that wants the money for IMAP; mail.com requires a premium service for IMAP access:

Older mail.com accounts (I don't know when the cutoff was but it was quite a while ago; ie. maybe a decade ago) were grandfathered in by mail.com and still have free imap access.
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by trev19 »

No I haven't read it yet Jeff, but I will - though as explained for the moment it's sorted.
It was late and too tired lol! But if I can get PP to do it that would be much better.

And apologies - the way it read I thought PP charged for the web thingy. But either way, I don't need it as gmail will do all I want now I know it will at least work. Though why it works with the 'other one' and not PP at the mo is beyond me.

It's a pity about the hotmail ones, but in fact it's not exactly hard to switch the sender of replies to emails that come in on those in PP, is it!

But I've learnt over the years to have a 'burner' email or two that I use for stuff that isn't personal. So if they get hacked or too many offers of viagra etc I can dump them and use another. Unless I'm short of viagra of course... and can remember what it was for... :roll:
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by trev19 »

OK... read the article....

'run pp with admin..'

Erm.... sorry but how? My PC login is as an admin. - but is there a separate thing for PP?
I can't find any ref. to it other than how to set a password....
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by mjs »

Take a look at this post (where this is discussed): https://www.esumsoft.com/Forums/viewtop ... 406#p40406. :wink:

Just realized you are using Win7 - to get the "Search" (referenced in method #2 in the link above), you'll need to click on the Windows Icon (far left corner of the Windows Taskbar).
Last edited by mjs on Sat Jan 21, 2023 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Edited: to add 'search' comments in reference to Windows 7
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by Jeff »

I've updated the FAQ to explain the "run as admin" bit.

side-note: I've always (that is, since Win7) opened the start menu and then typed the search (e.g. WinKey + "POP Peeper"). I'd forgotten that Win10 has a search field by default. (Now I'm trying to get into the habit of using PowerToys Run)
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by trev19 »

Sorry guys, but that did not work.
I did a new gmail account, set it up, no problem.
Signed into pp as explained, no problem.
Clicked to use oath2, got message would go to web browser, clicked 'web browser' as directed, and got
Error 400: invalid_request
The out-of-band (OOB) flow has been blocked in order to keep users secure. Follow the Out-of-Band (OOB) flow migration guide linked in the developer docs below to migrate your app to an alternative method.
Request details: redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
Related developer documentation

related docs were here:
https://developers.google.com/identity/ ... -migration

And here - https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/12379384
ie. what I got before. Note this is a NEW gmail account. I am getting the impression that existing accounts may still work.
I have one older one, which still works at the moment with PP, but am not about to mess with it to test it!
But I did try above with AVG off - it made no difference.
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by mjs »

My first thought is there may be an issue with Windows 7....

So to test for this, I just now successfully added a new Gmail account to POP Peeper on Windows 7 (a few encountered steps during the process illustrated below).

I would suggest you try the process without AVG interference.... (following the proper steps you should get the posted results below, at least I did...).

1) Make sure you exit POP Peeper (so that you can start POP Peeper running with elevated/admin privileges in order to authenticate a Gmail account).
2) Now that POP Peeper is not running - start POP Peeper running as Admin - then edit the relevant account to authorize POP Peeper.
3) When authorizing POP Peeper you should get the following dialogs (following the expected POP Peeper prompts to get authorization started):
A) 2-step verification code dialog:
This 2-Step Interface (to get a verification code) is from Google.
This 2-Step Interface (to get a verification code) is from Google.
B) Allow POP Peeper access to Google:
Google asking user if it's OK to allow POP Peeper access.
Google asking user if it's OK to allow POP Peeper access.
C) Authentication successfully completed:
Final POP Peeper dialog declares authentication as successful.
Final POP Peeper dialog declares authentication as successful.
The added GMail account to POP Peeper works seamlessly on Windows 7 (tested both incoming/outgoing messages).

Remember to exit/restart POP Peeper the 'normal' way (elevated privileges are no longer necessary once authentication has been completed).
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by Jeff »

Just to confirm:
You must have POP Peeper v5+ (v5.4.1 at the time of this writing). You've probably already mentioned what version you're using somewhere in this thread, but it's long and I didn't see/find it with a quick check.

Also, I looked through the PP release notes and there is a relevant change that has occurred AFTER v5.4.1 (meaning, you do not have this fix; well, probably not):
- Fix: Oauth2: On older OS's (win7), POP Peeper would fallback to a now-unsupported method for Gmail because Win7 does not support the server method required by Gmail (unless POP Peeper is run as admin); a prompt now shows suggesting that an "app password" should be used instead

HOWEVER, that "fallback" will only occur if you didn't run POP Peeper as Admin. If you're getting a message about the "OOB flow", then that means that POP Peeper is not using the correct "flow" and so I think mjs is correct -- perhaps you didn't exit POP Peeper before trying to run it as Admin (doing that would result in POP Peeper just opening the already-running one, and would not be running as admin).

As far as mjs' screenshots, personally I never* see the "2-step verification" page -- that should only occur if you haven't logged in before with the webbrowser that's being used. Although, if you haven't logged in before, I'd expect you to have to login with username/password before the 2-step verification but mjs didn't mention that... :? Maybe if you haven't signed in with that browser in a really long time. Regardless, the sequence is correct after that, it's just the initial screens may differ based on your browser's cookies and whatever security Google forces upon you.

* - Just to make sure, I just re-Oauth2'd my main gmail account and it started on the screen represented by mjs's 2nd screenshot. I have 2-step verification enabled on that account. They have my cell# and an alternate email address (and this email address is connected to my Android cell phone). I have many other gmail accounts (which may or may not have 2-step enabled) and I just don't remember in recent memory ever needing to do anything but grant access. So I dunno... But then, mjs is known to have these kinds of weird issues ;)
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