Hotmail Send Mail failure

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Hotmail Send Mail failure

Post by ws3333 »

Hi, my main Hotmail account just refused to send an email to my wife's Hotmail account - log attached - no recent changes to anything on my side that would cause this. I can login in on their website. Thanks
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Re: Hotmail Send Mail failure

Post by Jeff »

There are a few such examples in the wild about this error (and specific to Outlook/smtp), but the OP never seemed to follow-up, which might suggest that the error cleared up on its own. "Account locked" seems ominous; "contact administrator" sounds like it's for non-free addresses -- is your account a standard hotmail account (ie. or

- Are you still able to retrieve mail via POP Peeper?
- Did you try sending an email after logging into the website?

- You might try using Oauth2 in POP Peeper -- edit the account and to the right of your "login name", change the dropdown to "Oauth2" and then follow the instructions.

Other examples of same error: ... tp-account ... unt-locked
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Re: Hotmail Send Mail failure

Post by ws3333 »

The account is still retrieving mail in Pop Peeper
I can send email from the website
This is a standard Hotmail account
I gave up on Oauth2 for Hotmail awhile back, at your suggestion, I think

It never sent the original email, but I just deleted it and re-created it - the second one seems to have sent
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