'Failed to verify after EHLO'

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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by trev19 »

2) Yep exactly - which is why we discarded it.
But what Microsoft says isn't always what Microsoft does; :P
And the one certainty is something, somehow has changed not long after that... And I'm running out of options.
Including that one now, as it's working for you.

5) Yep. I switch my computer off every night.

It's not the end of the world - I can always reply to emails using a different address even if they come in on a .co.uk one.
Just I can imagine a few folk thinking 'hang on, who is this, it's not the same email'......

It's just annoying. It's probably something very simple and obvious. Just not to me... :roll:
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by mjs »

Yea, I'm running out of ideas too.... :(

#1) So, did you try the "Password" option (I mentioned on the previous page - pointed out in the screen-shot) - where you use that "Password" option (instead of Oauth2) and simply enter your password into the POP Peeper account? (this bypasses authentication which may be causing some "send" issue for some reason in your case).

Btw, would you please post the entire (full) Error Overview you get when attempting to "send" a message? (I'm surprised we haven't already done this in this topic) As far as I can see, all you've mentioned is the reference to "'Failed to verify after EHLO'" in our topic name - providing the full "Error Overview" will provide us with more details regarding the "Send" error....

#2) One way to do this (when you get a "Send" message error attempting to send a message using the problematic account) is from the main menu go to: "File" > "Error overview..." (this is the same as pressing the yellow '!' button in PP's status-bar when you get errors in POP Peeper) and then press the "copy log" button - then do a (right-click) "Paste" to post the Error Overview details in this topic (this could be valuable as far as any more ideas as to what's going on).

Oh, and you can be sure there are more things that can be checked out further actually - but it would probably be better addressed when Jeff is available later on.

That said, as one last ditch effort as we start on page 2 of this topic #-o, it would definitely be helpful to at least address points #1) and #2) above in the meantime.... as we try to bring this to a close for now :wink:
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by trev19 »

1) yep - tried password.

2) --- Version ---
OS: Windows 7 (x64)
POP Peeper:
Profile Picture: (disabled)
AntiJunk: (disabled)
Spell Checker: (disabled)
Web of Trust: (disabled)

Program folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\POP Peeper\
Ini file: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\POP Peeper\poppeeper.ini
Data folder: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\POP Peeper\

--- Error ---
trev hotmail [1000: IMAP] ['outlook.office365.com' (993) SSL: 1] [Smtp: 'smtp-mail.outlook.com' (465) SSL: 1] [oauth: 1] [consec: 1]
- Send Mail: Could not connect to SMTP server

I also get an on-screen box saying 'Failed to Verify after EHLO'.

There you go! Yep, we'll see if Jeff has any more ideas. Thanks for the help.
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by mjs »

You're not using the "outgoing" settings I posted for you to use (on page 1) in this topic (thus presumably why you're getting the Send Error you get).

Out of curiosity, I changed the settings to what you are currently using and I got the error below (same as you get):
Hotmail Co [1000: IMAP] ['imap.outlook.com' (993) SSL: 1] [Smtp: 'smtp-mail.outlook.com' (465) SSL: 1] [oauth: 0] [consec: 1]
- Send Mail: Could not connect to SMTP server

You're getting the error above (as I do) as a result of using these "Send Mail" settings (which produce the error):
These settings (you are using) will produce the error you are getting
These settings (you are using) will produce the error you are getting
PIC-1 You're using these settings.png (6.69 KiB) Viewed 3471 times
You need to use the same "Send Mail" settings that I posted on page 1 for the "Send Mail":
These are the settings I posted on page for "Send Mail" that I've been using w/out any errors
These are the settings I posted on page for "Send Mail" that I've been using w/out any errors
PIC-2 You need to use these settings I had posted.png (7.01 KiB) Viewed 3471 times
These "Send Mail" settings are what I've been using with error free results.

After testing with the incorrect settings (hence getting the error above, w/ the message remaining in the PP Outbox) and then changing them back to the correct settings both messages (the 1st test message using the incorrect settings and the 2nd message using the correct settings) got sent - which is why you will see both sent mail tests in your Inbox. The first failed only while using the incorrect settings and then continued to reside in the POP Peeper Outbox due to the error (which then got sent with the second test w/ the correct settings) -- just thought I'd explain why your observing both messages in your Inbox. :wink:

As stated, I'm using the "Password" option (if that makes any difference).

Now I happen to be on Windows 10 (right now) as I don't typically use Window 7 - but you should get the same error free results on Windows 7 by using the settings in the 2nd screen-shot above. If not I'll check it out on Windows 7 again (to see what, if any, differences there are in the settings on Win7).
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by trev19 »

No, I have been using your suggestion. I'd just went back to 'last known success' to check it..

Here it is with your suggestion.

--- Version ---
OS: Windows 7 (x64)
POP Peeper:
Profile Picture: (disabled)
AntiJunk: (disabled)
Spell Checker: (disabled)
Web of Trust: (disabled)

Program folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\POP Peeper\
Ini file: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\POP Peeper\poppeeper.ini
Data folder: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\POP Peeper\

--- Error ---
trev hotmail [1000: IMAP] ['outlook.office365.com' (993) SSL: 1] [Smtp: 'smtp-mail.outlook.com' (465) SSL: 1] [oauth: 0] [consec: 1]
- Send Mail: Could not connect to SMTP server
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by mjs »

Based on your Error Overview details posted above - you are using Port 465 w/ SSL of SSL/TLS (before this and now) - these settings have not changed from when you posted the error before and now (therefore the same settings are producing the same result as would be expected).

Take a look at the first Error Overview you posted (toward top of page) at 9:17AM:
trev19 wrote: Thu Dec 22, 2022 12:17 pm --- Error ---
trev hotmail [1000: IMAP] ['outlook.office365.com' (993) SSL: 1] [Smtp: 'smtp-mail.outlook.com' (465) SSL: 1] [oauth: 1] [consec: 1]
- Send Mail: Could not connect to SMTP server
Compare that to the last Error Overview you just now posted (above) at 10:55AM:
trev19 wrote: Thu Dec 22, 2022 1:55 pm --- Error ---
trev hotmail [1000: IMAP] ['outlook.office365.com' (993) SSL: 1] [Smtp: 'smtp-mail.outlook.com' (465) SSL: 1] [oauth: 0] [consec: 1]
- Send Mail: Could not connect to SMTP server
As you can see they are identical hence the same settings are being used in both cases (Port 465 with SSL/TLS) - which do produce an error for me identical to your errors.

Please change the Port to 587 and SSL to STARTTLS (as illustrated in the 2nd screen-shot in my previous post) and see if this helps (it is the settings I'm using to send mail error free) - your other settings all look good :wink:
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by trev19 »

Sorry - think I printed it out before it had finished trying, so got the old message, relating to the recheck of the old setting.

Here you go.
--- Error ---
trev hotmail [1000: IMAP] ['outlook.office365.com' (993) SSL: 1] [Smtp: 'smtp-mail.outlook.com' (587) SSL: 2] [oauth: 0] [consec: 5]
- Send Mail: Failed to Verify after EHLO

Yes - that gives 'failed to verify' rather than 'could not connect' as per my original post.
Just to be sure there were no 'left-overs' I did close PP and try again - made no difference.
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by mjs »

OK, that about does it then - the same settings I'm using work but do not work for you (which is what we figured we were working with in the first place). I was hoping upon hope I had found what might have been causing the issue.

So going forward, I guess we have to work on the premise as to why the same settings are not producing the same results. One factor as you've mentioned is that the issue you have only occurs on Windows 7 (all is well using these same settings for both you and me on Windows 10).

I'm going to check to see if anything is different on Windows 7 on my end compared to Windows 10 for both of us (now that we know for certain we have....).... be right back....

I sent over the screen-shots of Incoming/Outgoing on Windows 7 via email using your account as attached files (worked seamlessly - no problems).

You've probably done this already - but it does appear the Servers are different on Windows 7 (as compared to Windows 10) - not sure if this really matters, but just to cover all bases --- here are the settings I'm using on Windows 7 (that are error free):
1) Outgoing (Send Mail) settings (my order is different because I was intending to only look at the "Send Mail" settings):
Outgoing (Send Mail) settings
Outgoing (Send Mail) settings
2) Incoming settings:
Incoming settings on Windows 7 - figured I'd send both to maintain consistency.
Incoming settings on Windows 7 - figured I'd send both to maintain consistency.
Since the Servers are different than what I'm using on Windows 10 - if you feel up to duplicating the same settings I'm using on Windows 7 on your end using Windows 7 - then we'll have pretty much exhausted all there is to test in regards to settings presumably.

If you use these same settings above on your Windows 7 (that work on my Windows 7 for both incoming/outgoing for consistency sake) then we would be ruling out any question as to the conclusion you are getting different (error) results than what I get.

So, when you have the time let me know your results.

If you continue to get the errors sending then we'll have to conclude there is another extraneous (other than settings) issue involved here (i.e. software, location etc.).
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by mjs »

Looking at your error - it looks like (on Windows 7) you're using the Outgoing Server 'smtp-mail.outlook.com' as opposed to my Outgoing Server 'smtp.office365.com'.... (otherwise, if I'm not mistaken, everything else looks the same)
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by trev19 »

I think that's it.... but been trying to do 2 things at once and not the right sex for that!

--- Error ---
trev hotmail [1000: IMAP] ['outlook.office365.com' (993) SSL: 1] [Smtp: 'smtp.office365.com' (587) SSL: 2] [oauth: 0] [consec: 1]
- Send Mail: Failed to Verify after EHLO

But we kinda knew that was going to happen.

It isn't my internet.
It isn't my computer or refusing to contact the server - it works perfectly direct through Outlook.
It isn't my firewall - I tried with it turned off.
It isn't Windows 7/hotmail.co.uk in isolation - works on yours.
It isn't the settings.

Of course it could be something more subtle; one person's windows7 isn't always quite the same as another, even if they claim to be.
Maybe if I knew more about what EHLO meant in reality might give a hint - but best we tell Jeff that Christmas is cancelled, get back here and solve it lol!!!

Thanks for your patience and effort Mike. Cheers.
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by mjs »

And thank you very much as well for all of your concerted effort Trev - happy holidays and new year! \:D/. (btw, if you're using the Avast AV - just disabling the Email Shield may not be enough - disabling the AV is usually what it takes - I bring this up because another user had an issue with POP Peeper that led to an Avast update). ... I'm sure Jeff will get to the bottom of the issue. 8)
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by trev19 »

Nope - AVG. But I will try switching the whole AVG thing off.

I THINK I tried that a while ago.... seems like a few years now... but if it yields results will post.
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by mjs »

Oh wow - then you actually are using Avast (Avast and AVG are one-in-the same and have been for some time, at least 6 years) - Avast and AVG become one.

Here a few links in PP discussing Avast:
1) https://www.esumsoft.com/Forums/viewtop ... 757#p39757
2) https://www.esumsoft.com/Forums/viewtop ... 017#p39017
3) https://www.esumsoft.com/Forums/viewtop ... 864#p37864

As I mentioned before, there was a user with an issue caused by Avast - and just disabling "Mail Shields" alone didn't help (or perhaps it was where in Avast "Mail Shields" was disabled i.e. the Shield had to be disabled within the "Protection" Interface as referenced in the top link above (can't recall exactly).
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by trev19 »

Ah. Then tomorrow I will try with the whole AVG turned off.

It might be the cause - though turning off the anti-virus isn't going to be a good solution!
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by mjs »

trev19 wrote: Thu Dec 22, 2022 6:09 pm ...though turning off the anti-virus isn't going to be a good solution!
You would not want to be running anything on your computer (other than POP Peeper but w/ Auto Mail Checks disabled) and only temporarily "turn off" Avast (during the time you tested sending a message using one of the "co.uk" accounts in POP Peeper). The reason for "turning off" Avast completely is because Avast has such a multiplicity of security options that might possibly still interfere if any part of Avast remains running.

In the event disabling Avast entirely actually solves this topic issue - you would then want to add an appropriate exclusion that is limited to only POP Peeper (that you can consider a trusted app). Thus all other functions of Avast outside of the specific POP Peeper exclusion would continue to provide security as before.

Here is an example post that discusses adding a POP Peeper exclusion to the Avast "Hardened Mode" option.

Link: https://www.esumsoft.com/Forums/viewtop ... 706#p36706. (first screen-shot illustrates that "Hardened Mode" in enabled)

In the second screen-shot on the page linked above you can see that the "Hardened Mode" tab is selected to add the POP Peeper exclusion specifically to only this Avast option. Notice there is a "File paths" tab as well that can be used to exclude the POP Peeper executable in general. One is more specific than the other, but in any case in regards to the POP Peeper executable file, it is the only file excluded from Avast (all other aspects of Avast continue to protect as before). Exclusion settings are used in situations where a "trusted" app (entered in Avast via a file path to the executable) is excluded from Avast to avoid negatively impacting elements of the ("trusted") app.

When I used Avast (years ago) - I was always using exceptions for POP Peeper when needed, frequently adding more exceptions as I ran across issues with POP Peeper that Avast was impacting at the time (very often the result of an Avast update). In fact I used "Hardened Mode" myself in Avast (providing significantly higher protection than Avast out-of-the-box) and as a result did enter POP Peeper as an exception to this option (a necessary requirement in this case for POP Peeper to work properly). This link (above) is dated of course so may not apply in every respect to Avast as it is today.

Here is a link I found discussing "exclusions" in Avast that may be of help: Excluding certain files or websites from scanning in Avast Antivirus and Avast One (not sure how relevant the topic is to the current Avast).
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by mjs »

If you remain equivocal about disabling Avast completely - you could first try messing around with just the Mail Shields (which I think maybe you have done already however)
You could try this first
You could try this first
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by trev19 »

Well, AVG is the problem.
The latest update must somehow have blocked .co.uk emails from the 'EHLO' thingy.

Trouble is I use the free AVG. I don't know if it differs in presentation from Avast, (or even the paid one) but I don't get the screen you posted. This is what I get.
So I can't be specific about which part of email operation I want to allow.

I think the better bet will just be to use other addresses for sending emails....

And yes I had tried with AVG off before. But presumably I had it on a setting that didn't work at the time, or had turned off the wrong bit.
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by mjs »

Aha - so AVG was the issue after all this time [-X - at least we now know the cause of your problem. =D>

I was about to tell you about: Adjusting settings for Avast Antivirus Core Shields .

But it appears your AV is less specific for its settings... so you could use other addresses for sending messages -- or you could add a POP Peeper exception (that would only apply to the POP Peeper exe -- all other security would remain intact). If you want to try using an AVG exception take a look below.

Here is a website covering a number of AV programs (including AVG) in regards to setting up "Exceptions" - so you could add POP Peeper (using the path to its executable) to solve the problem and all of your security for everything else would remain intact (in as much as only POP Peeper would be the one "Exception").

How to Add Antivirus Exclusions to your Antivirus Software (you could take a look here for the steps to do this with AVG)

I've extracted the steps for AVG for you below (found in the link above):

1) Open AVG Internet Security user interface and go to Menu > Settings
2) Ensure the General tab is selected, then click Exceptions
3) Click the Add Exception button
4) Add an exception in one of the following ways:
4.1) Type the file path, folder path or URL into the Text box and then click Add Exception.
4.1.1) On Windows: C:\Program Files\Private Internet Access
other non-windows steps removed
4.2) Click Browse, select the box next to the file or folder you want to add to the exceptions list and then select OK

In this case (for the last "4.2" step above) you would "Click Browse" in AVG and then find the POP Peeper exe (file) and then check the AVG box for the POP Peeper exe file (next to file) and click "OK" - to add POP Peeper to the "exceptions list".

To clarify, you would be selecting the POP Peeper executable file (by locating the file via the file path to the exe - see example below).
The typical file location for POP Peeper exe
The typical file location for POP Peeper exe
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by trev19 »

Thanks for that, but if PP were an exception - the email protection wouldn't work as they all go through there.

It doesn't greatly matter as explained - just if there was a solvable issue then be good to have solved it.
But in this case, the solution is worse than the problem.

Thanks for all your help Mike - much appreciated.
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Re: 'Failed to verify after EHLO'

Post by mjs »

OK, your very welcome - and thank you for all of your efforts as well. :wink:

It's good to know that the problem actually is AVG after all... and not POP Peeper. :mrgreen: (part of which is that Jeff won't have to take the time looking into something that is not a POP Peeper issue... a path we very nearly ended up taking at the very end, before discussing your AV security a bit more...)

I have removed (deleted entirely) your (testing) account from both Windows 10 and Windows 7 POP Peeper programs (as there is no need for any further tests).
Good judgment comes from experience and a lot of that comes from bad judgment. - Will Rogers
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