Revisited topic: Still no solution for HTML Zoom error

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Revisited topic: Still no solution for HTML Zoom error

Post by grevier »

Re: Pop Peeper Pro v5.4.1.0 with Plus Pack HTML Zoom error.
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, V. 22H2

I have been running a paid copy of Pop Peeper Pro for over a year and it auto with auto update on and I love it for its simplicity and effectiveness for all my email.

In trying to fix the problem described below, I have uninstalled and re-installed the program several times, but the problem does not go away.

I have read old posts here that mention enabling zoom in Internet Explorer, but my IE has zoom enabled.

The problem is as follows:
While reading any message, if I click on 'Options' from the menu and move the cursor over 'HTML Zoom' without even clicking on it, an error message pops up and I'm unable to set HTML Zoom. The pop-up does not say what the error is about. Please see attachment.

I have never tried using HTML Zoom before, it's possible this problem has always been there, but hidden.

Any comments as to other things to try for this problem would be greatly appreciated!
Pop Peeper error.jpg
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Re: Revisited topic: Still no solution for HTML Zoom error

Post by mjs »

I have actually never used that option myself - that said, what is supposed to happen on just "hover" is the following:
Hover produces this result - and is what I get
Hover produces this result - and is what I get
The results your are getting appears to me to be involving a corrupt program file.

Have you been downloading POP Peeper from this (official) site: :?:

What version of Internet Explorer do you have installed?
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Re: Revisited topic: Still no solution for HTML Zoom error

Post by grevier »

Thanks, mjs.

I tried using this option just recently because some of the email I am receiving has a very small font and it's difficult to read.

This option does not even show me the different levels of zoom, as soon as the mouse pointer goes over HTML Zoom, the error window pops up. The only way I can do anything else in my computer is by clicking on the error pop up, then it goes away.

Internet Explorer Version 22H2, I just don't use this browser for anything.

I always download the installation file from esumsoft and no other place, so it is the official download...
Last edited by grevier on Fri Dec 23, 2022 3:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Revisited topic: Still no solution for HTML Zoom error

Post by mjs »

Note: Forum response times may be more delayed than usual going forward because of the ensuing Holidays over the next week.
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Re: Revisited topic: Still no solution for HTML Zoom error

Post by mjs »

What version of IE do you have installed? (version you posted appears to be for Windows OS)
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Re: Revisited topic: Still no solution for HTML Zoom error

Post by mjs »

Found this forum topic: HTML Zoom Error - see if this provides any help. Offhand, it appears to likely be relevant to your issue (will be away for the remainder of today, will continue to look into this tomorrow). Let us know if the posted link is of any help. 8)
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Re: Revisited topic: Still no solution for HTML Zoom error

Post by grevier »

Thanks, it is the error I am getting.
However I have already read through the old posts about this error and still have not found a solution to fix mine...

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Re: Revisited topic: Still no solution for HTML Zoom error

Post by mjs »

grevier wrote: Fri Dec 23, 2022 1:44 pm ... The pop-up does not say what the error is about.
To be clear, any dialog or popup message of any kind would be expected to typically have some kind of explanation.

This error is what I would call an "anomaly", that is, an unanticipated outcome of some kind that might (as in this case) generate a prompt that is basically "undefined". #-o

When something that is essentially unanticipated (that is not necessarily accounted for) by POP Peeper's code then this type of prompt might occur. To explain in another way, basically an error of some kind that is not necessarily accounted for by the POP Peeper program (not all outcomes can ever be fully accounted for of course).

Let me be clear, these are my descriptions of the situation and as such is not necessarily how it might be characterized by others (it's just my attempt at explaining this kind of outcome that can occur in any software in general).

From my personal perspective the actual cause can be due to many things including program or possibly data "corruption" of some kind, an unanticipated sequence of events in the code (of which this prompt is used for in this case, hence working as expected), some extraneous issue involving the interface with the Operating System and/or Network or possibly (but not likely) simply a software "bug", etc etc.

Btw, just as a matter of record (based on the way the topic is described as "revisited"), there doesn't appear to be any other topic previously posted on this subject (at least not so under this username) in the forum (just an observation :wink:).

With that out of the way - in order to look into this further in more detail, it would be helpful if we could get some answers to questions.

I will list some of these questions (that I can think of) in my next post in order to more fully focus the context of our follow-up on just the questions at hand - please kindly answer each question to the fullest extent possible -- thank you very much in advance for taking your time to do this. :)
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Re: Revisited topic: Still no solution for HTML Zoom error

Post by mjs »

Pease answer the first 6 questions and then finish with (procedural) steps as described in point 7.

1. When you initially installed POP Peeper was it also from the official website at that time as well?

2. Do you recall at that time what version of POP Peeper you initially installed?

3. What version of Internet Explorer (IE) do you have installed (i.e. IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11)?
3a. If you're having problems getting this information post back for help with this. - see comments in next post

4. How many email accounts do you have in POP Peeper?

5. When you do an uninstall, is it a "complete" uninstall (including data files)?
(you may be reluctant to do this if you have a lot of accounts)

6. When you do an install - does it appear to be successful w/out any errors or problems installing?

7. Please do the following steps for us: from the main menu - go to "File">"Error Overview..." (there will be no error displayed), then click on the "Copy Log" button then paste this information into your next post (right-click select "Paste") - this will give us additional helpful information. :)
Last edited by mjs on Sat Dec 24, 2022 1:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Edited to modify point 3 (striking out line) because of follow comments in subsequent post to this (cover this)
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Re: Revisited topic: Still no solution for HTML Zoom error

Post by mjs »

A follow-up on point 3 - from what I can see Microsoft has changed what "About Internet Explorer" generates (probably since June of this year as of when IE is no longer supported). I get that same 22H2 version information regarding Windows (not sure what that's about).

The version I'm speaking of are possible IE versions 8, 9, 10, 11 (that probably work w/ Windows 10 OS). I'm guessing you have IE11 perhaps (you should have at least IE10 installed, if I'm not mistaken).

I'm guessing you clicked the "gear" in the upper-right area of IE and then clicked "About Internet Explorer" (that at one time would produce the versions referenced above)

If this is not what you did then you could try clicking on the "gear" and following through with that to see what you get (probably you'll get the reference to window 22H2 like I get).

If the above doesn't help, click on the "gear" again and select "Open with Microsoft Edge" (Edge may already be open).
Now that you are in Microsoft Edge do either Alt+F or click on the 3 dots in upper-far-right browser banner.
Now scroll down to and select "Settings" then select "Import browser data".
What version of Internet Explorer is displayed on that page (Where it says "Import data from IE").
Perhaps what is referenced in the "Import data from..." statement will accurately reflect an accurate IE version (installed) - not sure however.... :?
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Re: Revisited topic: Still no solution for HTML Zoom error

Post by grevier »

mjs, thanks again for all your effort here.

Please see below for answers to your questions:

1.- I have always downloaded Pop Peeper directly from

2.- My receipt says POP Peeper Bundle, POP Peeper Pro v5 Beta and POP Peeper Plus Pack dated 05-18-2020. Since then, I have always downloaded and installed the latest version as soon as the app advises me of a new version.

3.- I have IE10 installed, but have not used it for over a year, however, I just clicked on it to see the exact version of it.

4.- I have two account of Pop Peeper, both being used in my home computers, both running Windows 10 Pro, 64-bit. HTML Zoom works fine in one, but not in the other.

5.- I have done a totally clean install of Pop Peeper in the computer where Pop Peeper refuses to let me une HTML Zoom, to no avail.

6.- The app always installs fine without any error warnings at all.

--- Version ---
OS: Windows 10 (x64)
POP Peeper:
Notification Voice:
Profile Picture:
Spell Checker:
Trusted Sites:
Sent Mail Viewer:

Program folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\POP Peeper\
Ini file: C:\Users\G\AppData\Roaming\POP Peeper\poppeeper.ini
Data folder: C:\Users\G\AppData\Roaming\POP Peeper\

--- Error ---
Last edited by grevier on Sat Dec 24, 2022 3:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Revisited topic: Still no solution for HTML Zoom error

Post by mjs »

Thank you for taking the time to post all the feedback.

Based on what you've provided, it would appear to me that there is something in the POP Peeper files that's getting carried over each time you do a new install on the computer that has the problem.

With that said, in regards to the following two points:

4. How many email accounts do you have in POP Peeper?

5. When you do an uninstall, is it a "complete" uninstall (including data files)?
(you may be reluctant to do this if you have a lot of accounts)

Re: #4 (above) - I was wondering how many email accounts (i.e. your accounts like Yahoo, etc) you have in POP Peeper on the computer that has the ("undefined" error) issue discussed here (I'm not speaking of your POP Peeper accounts, but rather the specific email accounts you have in POP Peeper on the computer with the problem).

Reason - if you actually do #5 (above) you would need to reenter each of your email accounts over again - so if you have a lot of accounts it may be something you'd prefer not to do. On the other hand, if you don't have that many - by deleting all of POP Peeper's associated files this may solve the issue you have (that is assuming you have not been doing "complete" uninstalls, which I presume is the case).

To clarify, in regards to #5 (above), I am asking if the uninstalls (you've been doing) were "complete" uninstalls where (during the uninstall) you would respond to the prompt(s) to delete all files associated with POP Peeper. As previously mentioned, I'm assuming you did not respond to the affirmative to delete all files --- hence the issue gets carried over when you do the install again (because whatever the corruption is in POP Peeper remains, absent a "complete" uninstall, because the files will have remained when doing the install again) - at least that's what I'm guessing is happening here. Hope that all makes sense. :wink:

If you don't have many email accounts and you don't mind re-entering each of them after doing another install - then you might consider doing a "complete" uninstall (before doing your next install again) to see if this will clear-out what appears to be some sort of file corruption (presumably causing the issue we have here). To clarify, my premise here is that by deleting all of POP Peepers associated files by doing a (complete) uninstall the persistent file corruption issue will get resolved (that's been presumably getting carried over).

Another option (if you don't mind waiting) is to hold-off doing a "complete" uninstall and see what Jeff might come up with when he's available to look into this issue in the new year.
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Re: Revisited topic: Still no solution for HTML Zoom error

Post by grevier »

mjs, I have good news on this problem!

Even if I don't use and have not used the IE browser for a long time, I decided to reset everything to default in the advanced tab of the Tools section and HTML Zoom is now working in Pop Peeper the way that it should.

The problem never was cause by Pop Peeper at all. It was unbelievable to me that the old Internet Explorer could cause such a problem, but I guess I learned from it now.

Since this problem is now solved on my side, I would not be needing any further assistance for now.

I'm very appreciative of all the help, time and effort in solving this problem.

Thank you!
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Re: Revisited topic: Still no solution for HTML Zoom error

Post by mjs »

That's really great news!! =D> case solved. -- we've learned something today (in regards to IE)... :-k (I would have assumed if you never use IE this would not have been necessary)

Just in time for Christmas! - Happy Holidays (Merry Christmas)!!
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Re: Revisited topic: Still no solution for HTML Zoom error

Post by Jeff »

Just in case someone else comes along with the same problem, I thought I'd add a conclusion and an alternative "solution":

I believe that grevier resolved the solution with the following steps:
1) Open "internet options" in the Windows Control Panel (open the Windows Start menu and type that for easy access)
2) Select the "Advanced" tab
3) Press the "Reset" button and reset everything

I'm glad that worked. As I was reading this topic, another solution came to mind --
You can use shortcuts to perform the zoom operation. If you hover your mouse over the message body (while viewing HTML), you can use Ctrl+MouseWheel to zoom in/out. Alternatively, click in the HTML body somewhere (to set focus to the "html window") and then use Ctrl+(+) and Ctrl+(-) to zoom in/out. Ctrl+0 will reset to 100% zoom. It's possible that doing this would fix the problem with the "html zoom" menu, too.
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