never legit

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never legit

Post by lian »

Hello, since last version (V.5.4.5), PopPeeper don’t stop asking to confirm that email address is legit. It doest not seem to remember legit email address.
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Re: never legit

Post by mjs »

To confirm - is what you're discussing the "Mark Legit" option when reading messages (as pointed out in the screen-shot below)?
Mark Legit.png
Mark Legit.png (1.96 KiB) Viewed 3927 times
If so, then after clicking on "Mark Legit" (assuming you have not changed the default POP Peeper Inbox format and therefore still use the "Junk Evaluation" column) do you observe in the POP Peeper Inbox what is circled in the screen-shot below for the same (specific) message you did a "Mark Legit" on?
Legit.png (4.04 KiB) Viewed 3927 times
If so, you should not have to do a "Mark Legit" for that specific email address again (keeping in mind that this only applies to that very specific email address).

To confirm the problem - so then you are saying that after marking a specific message as Legit (after clicking on "Mark Legit") the next time you view that same (specific) message you will still see the "Mark Legit" as displayed in the first screen-shot posted above? (I ask, because after marking a specific email address as Legit then the "Mark Legit" option should no longer be displayed when reading a message for that same specific email address) - The "Mark Legit" setting will only apply to the same specific Email Address you have marked as Legit, so make sure other messages you are reading (that you might expect to be Legit) are also using that identical email address.
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Re: never legit

Post by lian »

I may be wrong but I have "Mark legit" then "confirm legit" and it’s quite disturbating. I have added Junk evaluation column and will see how its evolving next days.
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Re: never legit

Post by mjs »

In order to clarify your issue as to whether the issue is that a "Confirm Legit" option displays after clicking on the "Mark Legit" option (since you have now directly referenced the "Confirm Legit" option) or that you are unable to successfully mark a message as Legit using the "Mark Legit" option....

Question: are your messages displaying the way you want (expect) them to display (including images, if that's your goal) and you are not getting the banner that requires a double-click to display images you want to see (screen-shot example of banner getting displayed below - note: the banner will stop getting displayed for the specific email address being read by clicking on the "Confirm Legit" in this case)?
Is your concern that you continue to get this banner (even after doing a "Mark Legit")?  Or is the banner not your issue?
Is your concern that you continue to get this banner (even after doing a "Mark Legit")? Or is the banner not your issue?
If your concern has nothing to do with the banner (that is you are not getting the above banner after using the "Mark Legit" option) so that you have no issues with how the messages display, then is it accurate to say your only concern is that the "Confirm Legit" in your "evaluation bar" continues to display, even when you have clicked on the "Mark Legit" (to display images)? (see screen-shot example below)
Is your issue only that the "Confirm Legit" continues to display even without the banner?
Is your issue only that the "Confirm Legit" continues to display even without the banner?
If this is the case, then I wouldn't be concerned as long as your (marked as Legit) messages are displaying without a banner (that is the message has been marked as Legit in this case) thus images are not getting blocked using a specific email address you have marked as trustworthy.
Note: regardless of the above, if you do click on the "Confirm Legit" then that option should not display the next time you read messages sent to you from that specific email address.

I'm assuming it is just the "Confirm Legit" option that concerns you, thus there is not an issue with getting HTML to display for messages you get from "trusted" email addresses.... if otherwise, then we can address that as needed.
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Re: never legit

Post by mjs »

Here is additional information on the POP Peeper website regarding the displaying of HTML when viewing messages (in case this might help): Messages are not displayed in HTML by default.

Also you can get more information specific to "Smart HTML Viewing" via POP Peeper "Help / Contents" by going to (from the POP Peeper main menu): Tools / Options / View Messages and press F1 to open the Context-sensitive help.
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Re: never legit

Post by mjs »

More information that might help (taking the last two screen-shots posted above for context):
1) Message is not displaying HTML (images) therefore the banner is present because the email address is not "whitelisted" (refer to comments embedded in screen-shots for details).
PIC-1 more info.png
2) Message is displaying HTML (images) so banner is not present because the email address is "whitelisted" (hence evaluated as "Legitimate").
Click on either image to enlarge for more detail (use browser back-arrow to return to forum topic)
Click on either image to enlarge for more detail (use browser back-arrow to return to forum topic)
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Re: never legit

Post by lian »

I had to confirm - again ? - that the message sent by this forum is legit. I’m quite sure I already did that.

But I don’t understand the purpose of confirmation : if it’s marked as legit, why confirm ?
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Re: never legit

Post by mjs »

This is my understanding as far as answering your question - "why confirm ?": The presence of the "Confirm Legit" is to indicate that the system has in fact evaluated the message as "Legit" so you're simply confirming this status by clicking on this option (an already obvious concept). To elaborate on the concept behind this however (i.e. the crux of the matter, so to speak) is that this approach is expected to help get more users to "train" POP Peeper which messages are Legit even if a message has already been evaluated as Legit.

To clarify, the more that messages are marked either "Legit" or "Junk" basically helps "train" POP Peeper to better learn which messages are to be considered either "Legitimate" or "Junk" (hence improving accuracy in this regard) - You might notice (in the 2nd screen-shot) I had previously pointed out the "Help" option in the evaluation banner in the event the "Confirm Legit" option is present in that same banner (which I might add, is when you will get the "Help" option displayed when and where you will find the "Confirm Legit" option if present in that same banner). That said, my point was at that time to address the displaying of HTML in regards to whether the banner is present, however to your current question - refer to the "Mark Legit/Junk" comments in that same screen-shot (at the top of the "Help" explanation) which would apply to your current question - where it states that: "Marking messages will train POP Peeper so that it will learn which messages are Legitimate and Junk" (which, again, is more specific to your current query).

More to the point in regards to the "training" of POP Peeper concerning "Legit" versus "Junk" messages - the "Confirm Legit" option is what ultimately provides a way to enhance (for lack of a better word) the manner in which POP Peeper "learns" how to evaluate the legitimacy of messages in accordance with a Bayesian evaluation score (if you will).

Jeff will probably have more to say about this (including where I may be wrong in my answer to your question :wink:).
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Re: never legit

Post by lian »

Thanks for the informations. Did this change with last version ? I did not have to confirm before.
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Re: never legit

Post by mjs »

You're very welcome.

In regards to your question, I can't say for sure as to when the "Confirm Legit" was initially implemented (Jeff would be the one to answer that specific question - so I'll leave that for him to follow-up on).

All I can say is that a portion of the information that I posted here in this topic specific to the "Confirm Legit" function was based on an email search I did (because I wasn't sure myself about the answer to your former "why confirm?" question). My search found, the ("Confirm Legit") subject was discussed at length by Jeff via multiple emails with myself and another Moderator recipient way back in February of 2018. So it would appear to me that the function as been around for some time and certainly not just as recent as the "last version" of POP Peeper.
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Re: never legit

Post by Jeff »

To confirm, the links for "mark/confirm Junk/legit" were added in v5.0. It has not changed since then (to the best of my recollection -- at least to any significant degree -- but certainly not in v5.4.x).

You don't have to confirm it. All it's doing is training the Bayesian feature of AntiJunk. If it's already performing well, then don't feel obligated to continue marking messages. Personally, these days, I only generally mark a message as Junk/Legit when the evaluation was wrong.

If you feel compelled to select mark/confirm simply because of the existence of those buttons, you can disable the banner -- right-click on it and use the context menu OR menu: AntiJunk / Banner -> Show.
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Re: never legit

Post by lian »

OK. But is the banner new ?
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Re: never legit

Post by mjs »

lian wrote: Mon Feb 27, 2023 4:18 pm OK. But is the banner new ?
Not at all "new" - the banner has been used for a very long time, presumably even before the introduction (at some point) of the "Confirm Legit" button. The banner has been present as of the initial Version 4 release (see below).

Edit: I was in the process of linking version Version 4 above (when Jeff posted below), after considering that Anti-Junk was introduced in version 4 (and presumably the banner would have been introduced then as well).

Features added in v5.0
* Message searching
* Themes (e.g. Dark theme)
* New and higher resolution icons
* User-defined account order (drag & drop accounts to re-order)
* View message window no longer blocks main window and you can open multiple view-message windows (modeless)
* Auto-Update
* Imap upload (upload .eml messages to an IMAP server by dropping files onto the Account window)
* Imap save sent messages to Sent folder (disabled by default, enable per-account on the 'Send mail' page)
* Rule wizard -- easily create rules based on the selected message (to play special sounds for the sender, ignore, etc.)
* OpenSSL v1.1
* Print message enhancements -- select printer, print in the current mode (plain, rich, html)
* Installer has a "quick" install option for one-click installs that uses your last install options
* [Experimental] MAPI support

- Spell-checker adds case-sensitivity (optional, enabled by default)
- Web of Trust has new display filtering options to only show suspicious URLs and/or domains
- Clickable banner provides additional options and information when viewing a message
- Important flag: mark important messages with a star; keyboard shortcut (default: Ctrl+I) makes this more convenient to use
- Don't automatically mark messages as read: messages require you to mark-read, delete, or reply so you don't forget to reply to messages
- Spam processing is now multi-threaded and is much faster, especially when downloading 1000's of messages
- A timeout is now applied to DNSBL and URIBL lookups to prevent unrespsonsive lookup's
- Imap preview now includes HTML (Plain+HTML; previously, just Plain was retrieved)
- Display Junk option now has a "training mode"
- Shareware trial resets for v5 (if v4 was previously used, v5 allows another shareware trial)
- AntiJunk has 3 new rule types: +InWhiteList, +InAddrBook, +InBlackList
- AntiJunk allows you to re-order sub-rules
- Outgoing email can be tagged as high/low priority
- Messages marked as low priority by the sender displays an icon
Last edited by mjs on Mon Feb 27, 2023 5:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Edit added to reflect the presence of the banner as of Version 4.
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Re: never legit

Post by Jeff »

The banner itself was added in v4.0.
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Re: never legit

Post by lian »

OK. Thanks. I suppose I must have activated it.
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