Weird PP behavior

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Weird PP behavior

Post by sgeneris »

This morning when I loaded it did not check mail without issuing any error. Internet connection was OK.
I rebooted it -- same.

I then noticed that there was a SSL update available and I did an auto-update. It exited & tried to update, and failed with
the following error:

[20231229 09:11:49] Initializing: [dir: D:\PopPeeper] [packages: ssl] [ver: ]
[20231229 09:11:56] Starting Thread
[20231229 09:11:56] Initializing Package Info
[20231229 09:12:06] [error] http (0); error: 'Internet Error 12029'; url: ' ... geinfo.esu'
[20231229 09:12:17] Process results: [return: 0] [update: 0] [No more packages]
[20231229 09:12:17] Exiting Thread

After it came back it checked the email and it managed to auto-update SSL.

Pls advise. Thanx.
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Re: Weird PP behavior

Post by mjs »

Check out "About POP Peeper..." (from main menu go to Help/About POP Peeper) and take a look at your SSL Module info (see screen-shot below) to determine if what you see is the same as in the screen-shot I've posted:
What a successful updated SSL should look like
What a successful updated SSL should look like
If you see the same then you should be fine. :wink: (if what you have is not the same, then please post a screen-shot of what you have)

I couldn't tell you why the SSL update error occurred - Jeff will probably want to follow-up with this sometime next week when he gets back from a holiday respite (hence may have questions/comments in regards to the update).

Is POP Peeper now doing a "Mail Check" successfully without any errors?

Again, assuming that POP Peeper can now process a successful "Mail Check" - I wouldn't be that concerned about the initial failed SSL update (in as much as PP ultimately did manage to successfully process the SSL "Auto Update" in the end).

We thank you very much for reporting the error however. :) (reporting this can be helpful as far as looking into possible issues)
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Re: Weird PP behavior

Post by Jeff »

error 12029 is a pretty generic error and just means it couldn't connect. In the context of PP it often means that the appropriate TLS settings aren't enabled in Windows Internet Options, but if it subsequently worked, it might mean a hiccup on the server; but combined with your initial report that PP didn't seem to be attempting to check mail, perhaps there was something else going on.
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