POP Peeper Beta
Beta testing for POP Peeper v5.0 is now closed.
v5 Changes -- Click the link to access the notes. These notes are raw and posted in real-time (update notes are added for development builds which may not be available yet to beta testers) and are not in the same concise format as the overall release notes you usually see in the version.txt file
Notes for beta testers:
* CONTACT for Bugs/Suggestions/Tweaks: There is now a forum available, you may choose to use the forum or use email; please read the forum before emailing to see if the problem has already been reported.
* Beta versions will contact the esumsoft.com server in the background about every 24 hours. This is done for 2 reasons: (a) To ensure that beta testers are using the latest version and (b) To know approximately how many people are actively using the beta version. This data helps to determine if the beta is ready for release.
* ANNOUNCEMENTS: The primary way that information will be conveyed to you will be via the 'Message of the Day' (MOTD) feature. A button will appear in POP Peeper's status bar when you have an unread MOTD; please read it when available. The button is a blue circle with the letter 'i' (Information) in it.
* UPDATES: Updates will be delivered via POP Peeper's new auto-update feature. The auto-update does not force you to update, so please update as soon as possible when one is available.
* UPGRADE FEE – Once POP Peeper v5 is officially released, there will be a modest upgrade fee. This upgrade fee does not apply during the beta test (ie. it will come into effect at the time of the official release and you do not have to pay the upgrade to use the beta). The fee will be reduced or waived based on several factors, such as when you purchased Pro and if you provide helpful feedback during the beta testing. After POP Peeper v5 has been released, if you feel that the fee is not fair, please contact me.
* Downgrade to POP Peeper v4 — the POP Peeper v5 data files are compatible with v4. If you need to revert back to POP Peeper v4 for any reason, it is possible to do so, simply by installing v4 over your current installation (there may be new files in v5, but these will not affect v4).