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Server Settings

  • Open FAQ in new window Lycos: IMAP / SMTP
  • June 2018: Lycos has discontinued free email service.
    Sep 27, 2010: Lycos has disabled Imap and POP3 access to free users.

    If you are paying for the premium service that provides IMAP access, you can use the following settings:

    Incoming Mail Settings:
    Login Name: Full email address
    Server Type: IMAP
    Server: imap.lycos.com
    No SSL (SSL is optional)
    Port: 143 (if using SSL: 993)
    Idle: optional

    Send Mail Settings:
    Reply Option: SMTP
    Server: smtp.lycos.com
    No SSL (SSL is optional)
    Port: 25 or 587 (if using SSL: 465)
    Server Requires Authentication: Enabled