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  • Open FAQ in new window Voice Notifier: How can I effectively use the advanced features that "Substitutions" provide?
  • This feature requires purchase of the POP Peeper Plus Pack

    Substitutions provide a very powerful and flexible functionality in the voice notifier. The built-in help provides basic documentation for simple substitutions like converting "Re: = Regarding" and to prevent known spam messages from being spoken with something like "Viagra = []"

    Here are some additional uses of the [] tag:

    Don't speak messages that you've BCC'd yourself
    YourName = []

    Use voice notification only for specific senders
    This is fairly complicated but shows the flexibility of the [] tag:

    1. You'll need to change the notification syntax so that it contains the sender and a keyword that won't be in any of your senders' name:
      • Select the Notification page and change the syntax to: SpamFree %from%
    2. Go to the Substitutions page and create a substitution line like the following for each of your known senders:
      • SenderName = [--#FLAG#--]
    3. Below your list of known senders, add the following line:
      • SpamFree = []
    4. The last line in Substitutions should be (you can change the syntax to your liking):
      • --#FLAG#-- = [New Message, on %act% . From %from% . %subject%]

    For a better understanding of why this works:

    • In step #1, we're telling the notifier to speak "SpamFree" and the name of the sender. The notifier will never actually speak this, but it allows us a way to flag messages that we don't want.
    • In step #2, we're telling the notifier that any known senders should use a completely different syntax (which will be replaced again in step #4). What this means is that any senders who are not listed will still have "SpamFree" in the syntax.
    • In step #3, we know that any syntax that still has "SpamFree" in it was not one of our known senders, so we don't want to hear it
    • In step #4, we convert our special --#FLAG#-- back into a syntax that we actually want. Only known senders will have this --#FLAG#-- syntax and all others have been quieted in step #3.