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Configuration Options

  • Open FAQ in new window How can I make each account play a different sound when I receive new email?
  • You must first enable "Advanced Options":

    1. Under the "Tools" menu, select "Options"
    2. Select the "General" tab
    3. Check the "Enable Advanced Options" box
    4. Press the "Save" button

    Repeat the following steps for each account:

    1. Edit the account (right-click on the account in the account listing and select "Edit")
    2. Click on the advanced tab
    3. For "New Mail Sound" click on the browse button and select the .wav file
    4. Click on the Update button
    Note: There is also an option on the "Options/Notification" page that should be selected appropriately ("I want each account that receives new email to play its specified sound"). The option will be selected automatically when you update an account sound.