How can I clear cookies? - The 'Clear cookies' option is available on any WebMail-based account (e.g. if the "Server Type" is Hotmail, Yahoo, GMail, etc.).
- Advanced options must be enabled
- If 'Clear cookies' is displayed, but disabled/grayed-out, it means that there are currently no cookies for that account
POP Peeper stores cookies in memory for each webmail account. These cookies are required to log into your webmail account and allow POP Peeper to quickly access your email after it successfully logs in. These cookies are independent of your webbrowser and are not saved to disk.
Sometimes, it's necessary to clear the cookies to force POP Peeper to log into the account again. One possible reason for this is if you make a change in your account that affects the interface.
Right-click on a webmail-based account and select 'Clear cookies'