General Questions
How can I remove messages from the list and force POP Peeper to retrieve it again? - In POP Peeper's main menu, select Tools / Options
- Select the 'General' page
- Tick the checkbox for "Enable Advanced Options"
- Press OK
How can I remove messages from the list? - In POP Peeper's main menu, select Tools / Options
- Select the 'General' page
- Tick the checkbox for "Enable Advanced Options"
- Press OK
POP Peeper will cache messages by default and sometimes it may be necessary to force POP Peeper to retrieve an existing message.
If you changed settings in your WebMail account, it may be necessary to Clear Cookies first.
For individual messages, view the message and -- from the menu -- select:
File / Re-download message.
Alternate method (or to remove all messges in the account):
This option is disabled by default, so you first need to enable Advanced Options:
- To remove a specific message (or selected messages), right-click on the message and select "Remove from list."
- To remove all the messages in an account, right-click on the account and select "Remove messages from list."
The message(s) will be removed immediately and will be retrieved again the next time the account is sync'd with your account. This usually happens the next time mail is checked, but to force IMAP accounts to re-sync: right-click on the account and select "check mail."
Sometimes, it's necessary to force POP Peeper to retrieve an existing message. This option is disabled by default, so you first need to enable Advanced Options:
If you changed settings in your WebMail account, it may be necessary to Clear Cookies first.
To remove all the messages in an account, right-click on the account and select "Remove messages from list."
To remove a specific message (or selected messages), right-click on the message and select "Remove from list."
The message(s) will be removed immediately and will be retrieved again the next time the account is checked for mail.